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daynight created a topic of Perfect Buddy

I love a big donger in yaoi as much as the next guy but that's too much PLEASE YOUR DICK LENGTH SHOULDN'T EXTEND BEYOND YOUR WAIST LENGTH

daynight created a topic of Predator Marriage

guys. how did his leg reach across that wide ass table

daynight created a topic of Max Mojave's Case
daynight created a topic of Guiding Hazard

this is barbatos' chance to prove that he's really sorry (by biting that fucker's head off)

daynight created a topic of Full volume

some of the anatomy looks questionable but hey what would I know

daynight created a topic of Silent Lover

Like father like son where is his mother to beat some sense into him????

I hope they never get together because this shit funny asf, I think I like them better as enemies-stuck-together-but-eventually-become-friends

daynight created a topic of The count's intruders

pregnancy ain't gonna save that train wreck of a marriage

daynight created a topic of Jinx


daynight created a topic of Yours to Claim
daynight created a topic of Predator Marriage

also did that bitch really wear leah's dress

daynight created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

Wtf he's basically saying it's naoto's fault for getting assaulted back when he was in school and had shizuku BRO WHAT

daynight answered question about question
i am begging women around the world to get some standards that isn't a bar in hell. break up and wake up.
daynight created a topic of Full volume

they're so fucking stupid. i love it.

I can't I believe I'm actually rooting for them to go back to their world