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won's gongju~ created a topic of Red Dot

is this ended?!?!? i saw that little 'end' on the last chapter I NEED MOREEEE CHUBBY GIRL IN MANHWA i feel represented dkgdksgjs

won's gongju~ asked a question

Just go away dude none's there want chu..

...but here, there's me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

won's gongju~ created a topic of Love Interest Zone

Oohh! It's from episode 5!!! My favorite confession sceneee! Yeo woonie looks so puupy when he confess

won's gongju~ created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

Are we finally on the gay side?

Reading this triggered something inside me. I had my meltdown on ch 9. This manga reminds me so much of my family, my dad is a drinker, gambler, abuser, cheater, and any other bad roles. When Mari said "i carry my dad's genes. I don't wanna pass them on." It hits the nail on my head. No matter what i do, I can't erase those genes, i will keep it by myself, i will not letting my child having these kind of genes. It ends with me.

as for my dad, we still live under the same roof till today because my mother is a strong woman. My mom raise and provide me and my siblings alone, she pay for my dad's debt for years (there's still some more until today), and she gave up everything within her. she stayed for us, she endured all the abuse, she never go out to anywhere for over 20 years, she just kept working working and working... I— I can't be more grateful for her.. i should say that to her sometimes.. but just like Mari, I'm used to toned down my feelings, we're not that kind of loving family, we never say anything nice to each other, we just live together, we survive bad life together, we were bonded through traumas that man gave us. I hate him with my whole heart. Mari, you're too kind or maybe it's just me who is bad, but the thought of taking care my 'dad' never crossed my mind, not even for a split second.

Us too used to have our rock, just like Mari's sister, ours was my little brother, he was the main reason why my mom stayed and endured everything, he passed away 3 years ago, my mom had no more reason to stay, I'm going to graduate college soon, that's the finish line, she plans to go back to her hometown after my graduation. me and my sibling, we'll split up, living our own life. I might be not sure yet about how's my life going after my grads, but at least my siblings will got their freedom and living however they liked.

Just like Mari, i hope my family will find their own peace.

He's such a good uncle.. seah-ya... Do u need auntie i can be your auntie

won's gongju~ asked a question

Any recs for short harem bl?? Like a manga with 5 or 6 chapters..

PENELOPEEE eclis you son of a bitch im she fed you, dress you, treat you nicely, and here you are, you're not just biting her hand, you literally ate her as a whole she just want everything to end..

won's gongju~ created a topic of Rocket Science Love

Nah dude pick a damn struggle! BOTH OF YOU pick a damn struggle!! If you're engaged and about to get married then stop spending time with your 'best friend' saying he's cute and doing all those skin ships! Stop! Distance yourself! And you! YOUR 'BEST FRIEND' is happily engaged and about to get married, then MOVE THE FUCK ON! There's so many men out there! Go find a new one! Your feeling DON'T matter.

Geee, my blood pressure rose reading this

won's gongju~ created a topic of Love Interest Zone

SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT I keep seeing cha joowan as yeo woon akshsobdkss he nailed the character soo muchh I can't kept him out of my head he's so golden retriever boyfriend

won's gongju~ asked a question

Is there any bl harem?? If yess any recs?? Thanks