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Hadessss's feed

I love this so much. I’m srsly here for the fl. I love that she’s not playing along with his amnesia and she’s not forgiving him after everything he did to her. Unlike other stories where the fl would just forgive the ml after a change in their attitude/treatment towards them, this one’s a real one. when she said “How can you forget everything when I remember everything.” i almost cried because i can really feel her pain.

!!!Spoilers ahead!!!

I read some spoilers and it turns out the ml actually gave himself amnesia on purpose (he sought out a mage to wipe out his memories). He loved the fl but bro’s too much of a fcking idiot. Apparently due to the fl’s family, he treated her coldly on purpose, BUT he did love her?? ikr wtf dude. He couldn’t just own his mistakes and do something about it so he chose the most fcked up cowardly sht move ever and just wiped out his memories of how he treated her and why he did so in the first place. I srsly hate him. He’s nothing but an inconsiderate selfish jerk, he doesn’t DESERVE her or even to be in the same room as her cause he’s trash. I read somewhere that the fl was also r*ped, maybe that’s what the fl was trying to hint on the last chapter. Glob I feel so sorry for the woman PLS AUTHOR JUST LET FL X HER MAID BE THE END GAME CAUSE FR THEY’RE WAY HAPPIER WITH EACHOTHER.