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Tremblingbiscuit did ( All 1 )

coming out of the closet

Tremblingbiscuit want to do ( All 1 )

make fujoshi friends

Tremblingbiscuit's experience ( All 0 )

Tremblingbiscuit's answer ( All 0 )

Tremblingbiscuit's question ( All 1 )

I’m looking for this one yaoi where the seme accidentally misplaces a love letter in the Uke locker bc the uke has a similar name. However the uke finds the love letter and is very happy. The love letter I believe was smut? Idk hahaha I don’t remember a lot but the uke had blck hair and scary cat like eyes. ( that’s how the seme explained it). The uke was short and cute. I think there was one chapter where the uke helped the seme but couldn’t remember the face of the uke so he got it mixed up with the similar name? Pls help me I’ve been spending hours looking for this manga!!!!!!
31 03,2020

People are doing

want to do survived suicide

sick of people

1 hours
did survived suicide

crazy experience

5 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

great, all A's, grown closer to friends, still had some not so great moments that regret, just hoping for better next year

10 hours