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Boonie89 created a topic of Merry Marbling

I got very frustrated with this chapter like, why does everybody take advantage of this boy? I know he lets them but this is crazy. You give them a hand and they take your feet.

Boonie89 created a topic of Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie

People, he's just stressed and worried because Eugene got hurt. Don't worry, I don't think he'll become a red flag. It's very endearing how worried he is that he wished he could just lock him up XD.

Boonie89 created a topic of Gokutora no Honey Bunny

I don't see the issue with the age gap, is not like one of them is underage or something, they are both adults and when they become older the age gap won't be as noticeable. Really nice and cute story.

Boonie89 created a topic of Country Diary

I felt like they were together at the end, like they were living together and they even called each other by their other name. Maybe is just an impression but anyway, it was a great read!

I'm so saaad, I stopped reading at chapter 50 to wait for the ending and I'm so disappointed at how it turned out, I was really happy to have twin protagonists but then they only focused on the girls :/. I'm glad I didn't continue.

Boonie89 created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Omg I'm hating the uke, he is so annoying. I think I'm gonna stop, I really can't bare characters that are so sticky and insistent.