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sleep's feed

sleep created a topic of My Assistant BF

do yall realized that no one had called it what they did as attempted sexual assault in the manga, not even wushi?

if this is real life, shit like this that happened between "friends" is not usually easily being called out as attempted sexual assault by the victim and even less, by the perpetrator because both of these people in this situation usually tried to downplayed what happened (the victim usually downplaying it due to previous positive relationship with the said perpetrator)

in this situation, when not even the victim (ewan) had grasped that what they did is basically attempted sexual assault, it's usually someone else that need to gave that wake up call to him or else, it's going to be months or even years of processing the shit that happened before he even realized the gravity or the seriousness of what had happened

this shit mostly happened in relationships that is "mostly good" hence making the bad shit that had happened "isn't that bad" when it is in fact actually that bad

easiest example is between a child and parent, if the parent is mostly loving, mostly caring but once they're angry, they beat the kid up. in most cases, even until the kid has grown up and be an adult who understand toxic relationship, they wouldn't call what their parent did as abusive (even if it is) because their parents had been mostly rlly good to them so to them, their loving parent couldn't ever possibly be called abusive