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okumiYuuki April 11, 2024 9:32 am

The handcuff with the missing key. Only broken with the power of horny.

okumiYuuki April 2, 2024 12:45 pm

My head canon:

Wooyeon because of stress will just study to get Woojin off of his head.

Wooyeon will still avoid Woojin at home. He also noticed that Wooyeon is talking to his hyung (forgot his name) more and more to the point that he sometimes goes overnight with him.

Because of his jealousy, he tried hypnotizing Wooyeon and forced him to do stuff again. But when he tried to snap Wooyeon out of hypnosis, it wouldn't work.

At first Woojin just gave up and goes back to harrasing Wooyeon, but Wooyeon started clinging on to him, saying that he starting to fall for him, and that he was the only one who shows some love while other people bully him.

Woojin was shocked about the bullying incident and said that it was not him who spread the rumors. To prove his innocence and also enact revenge, he search the bully (the guy who Wooyeon first have a crush on) and tried to hypnotize him. His hypnotism worked, causing the bully to strip naked in front of a crowd and piss himself.

Woojin and Wooyeon's relation becomes much closer and they tried talking out those miscommunications. Because of Wooyeon sweetness towards him, he confessed his love for Wooyeon. Woojin accepted his confession.

One day, Woojin saw Woojin sleeping in the sofa. Woojin kissed him on the cheek. His mom and dad saw it and was shocked at what he did. But what shocked him the most is that Wooyeon also show displeasure, and said "what are you doing to me??" Woojin ran away from home crying. Why did the hypnosis break? And now he will never have the chance to be with Wooyeon again.

Back at home, Wooyeon was been conformted by his parents. But he felt guilty of what he did. He was prentending to be under hypnosis so that he will make Woojin fall for it and dump him in the end (he saw the book from his father's study while destressing at the earlier incident and also talked to his Hyung about the possibilities of hypnosis). His plan ended abruptly to his advantage when his parents saw the incident, but why does it feel bad for Woojin?

It's kinda a cliche route (and I'm currently have a bad fever), so forgive my long chat.

okumiYuuki March 13, 2024 6:31 am

I would like to add this on the alternative:

So that we can copy paste this one on raw site for searching purposes.

okumiYuuki March 2, 2024 3:44 pm

Read the raws and I hate this kind of things. I know it's just a story, but I don't want Doc Dan to suffer. Will read this after 20 chapters. Doc Dan deserves better.

    Mioro March 2, 2024 4:40 pm

    Please spoil me

    RIMEEL March 3, 2024 1:06 am

    Where to read the raws (╯°Д °)╯

okumiYuuki February 23, 2024 6:41 am

I hope a big retribution arc for this x100 from BJ Alex. Because Dr. Dan doesn't deserve this pain.

okumiYuuki February 6, 2024 3:47 pm

Chapter 42 is my favorite in the second season because that chapter really emphasized that he knew. I think when he said I missed you in chapter 42, it means that my memory returned, and I really, really missed you. The way he held on longer on that embrace than even Hakyung find it weird.

Seeing him in the rain holding an umbrella, saying 'I miss you' is such a subtle message. He clearly remembers, but because of the contract that he made, that's the only way he could show his old emotions returning without saying anything that will get Hakyung suspicious. The man really loves Hakyung and accepts him and is not mad at him for pretending.

okumiYuuki February 6, 2024 3:48 am

In my head, I would always want a omegaverse story where the omega/alpha had a misunderstanding, alpha blamed the omega for mating with him (even though he's the one who marked him), and in the end, the omega undergoes surgery to remove his mark to free the alpha. Then the omega survives, but the consequence of it is the omega never getting affected by pheromones and will be immune to bite marks (even if an alpha bit him, it will heal). He will be like an ordinary beta, but he will still have omega pheromones. The alpha will learn his mistakes and try to win over omega, but due to the mark removal, omega doesn't remember him. And even if they become a couple in the end, him unable to give the omega a permanent bite mark will haunt him forever.

This manwha touched on the bite mark removal surgery, but I really wish that the alpha will suffer once he realizes that he's the one who bites down the omega. It really pains me when the omega is blaming himself for his selfishness and really wished for him to escape that seme and just be with the childhood friend.

    Kriss February 6, 2024 4:07 am

    Lol I’m always coming up with stories in my head. If I could write and/or draw, I’d definitely try to put something together. I like your concept. I would totally read it.

    Yaoi Goddess February 6, 2024 4:40 am

    This reminds me of a bl novel. Kinda the same thing but involves a cute bb girl being born from the omega. And the wife chasing is pretty satisfying

    Jeon-Cookies February 6, 2024 4:44 am
    This reminds me of a bl novel. Kinda the same thing but involves a cute bb girl being born from the omega. And the wife chasing is pretty satisfying Yaoi Goddess

    Oh ye I know that one

    Jeon-Cookies February 6, 2024 4:45 am

    Haha I can draw a prompt if u want

    svbhv February 6, 2024 5:41 am

    you’re so real for this actually because why all these aob yaois be acting like literally sinking your teeth into somebody don’t got consequences

    AWinterWonderLand February 6, 2024 5:48 am
    you’re so real for this actually because why all these aob yaois be acting like literally sinking your teeth into somebody don’t got consequences svbhv

    It's kind of tough. As it IS the setting for an omegaverse. That is their nature. Aside from men getting pregnant.

    svbhv February 6, 2024 6:19 am
    It's kind of tough. As it IS the setting for an omegaverse. That is their nature. Aside from men getting pregnant. AWinterWonderLand

    people are more than just their nature. if humans were just our nature we wouldn’t be here. the crux of omegaverse is more the explicit parallel of gender discrimination as experienced by omegas to real world misogyny as experienced by afab people than it is the marking because it varies too much and sometimes doesn’t exist at all so it’s not tough to make the alphas accountable it just forces yaoi authors to admit the abuse often experienced by the omega in the pairing which the author romanticises/fetishises and that is what’s tough.

    chifuyu_ku February 6, 2024 7:12 am
    people are more than just their nature. if humans were just our nature we wouldn’t be here. the crux of omegaverse is more the explicit parallel of gender discrimination as experienced by omegas to real world... svbhv

    hey! wanna let you know winterwonderland is sick in the brain so dont mind them T^T they're def team seme im telling yah

    AWinterWonderLand February 6, 2024 7:39 am
    people are more than just their nature. if humans were just our nature we wouldn’t be here. the crux of omegaverse is more the explicit parallel of gender discrimination as experienced by omegas to real world... svbhv

    It depends on the omegaverse. But you're comparing real world ppl who are not alphas and oemgas, who are not ruled by pheromones, ruts & heat cycles, during which time they go crazy and wants to mate, mark/be marked, knot during sex & make babies. These ppl are presented as animals. The real world standards are not the same. Quit making it about the real world. If so, every alphas in the world should be behind bars and rot in jail, convicted and condemned at the manifestations of their second gender. And or, as some omegaverses have it, have the omegas so enticing they get rap*d, and or wears collars just so they don't get marked. The spectrum is widely varied. But in this scenario (this particular universe) very few safety bars are set in place, which include the use of inhibitors and isolation, but which has to be done timely, or else could result in the rutting-rape, marking (no collars present in this universe), and lack of use of condoms and bcs, although the option for abortions did exist, as well as bond removal, though at great risk. But nothing aside from isolation and use of inhibitors would prevent that. If it's not Ian ra*ing Noah, it could have been another alpha, or many alphas. Whatever. The universe does not operate under normal human conditions.

    Why hold alphas accountable if they're under the influence of sex hormones and pheromones?!? You can.

    But what are you gonna do? You can't just isolate the population. Only to intermingle very rarely.

    If it's an accidental r*** then what are you gonna do?!? In this case Noah happened to have turned into an omega, so he became receptive to an alpha's pheromones and got induced into heat. And then in turn produced his own pheromones to attract the alpha. If you can't blame nature then what are you gonna do?!?

    It depends on how the author wants to paint the dynamics.

    AWinterWonderLand February 6, 2024 7:43 am

    Oh wow. @chifuyu_ku

    It's so nice of you to call me out when it's not necessary.

    Also never said I was team alpha.

    Whatever, stop putting words in my mouth.

    Jeon-Cookies February 6, 2024 10:59 am
    It depends on the omegaverse. But you're comparing real world ppl who are not alphas and oemgas, who are not ruled by pheromones, ruts & heat cycles, during which time they go crazy and wants to mate, mark/... AWinterWonderLand

    Like ur so right it makes me mad... But ur right

    okumiYuuki February 6, 2024 11:25 am
    Lol I’m always coming up with stories in my head. If I could write and/or draw, I’d definitely try to put something together. I like your concept. I would totally read it. Kriss

    Me too. If I could draw and write well, I'll do it.

    AWinterWonderLand February 6, 2024 4:29 pm
    Me too. If I could draw and write well, I'll do it. okumiYuuki

    Me too!!! I can draw, but that is curves since my parents came down on my hard and I have given it up and could never get back into it. But I def cannot write a creative piece of work to save my life. Please save me!!! ┗( T﹏T )┛

    AWinterWonderLand February 6, 2024 4:31 pm
    Me too. If I could draw and write well, I'll do it. okumiYuuki

    Me too!!! I can draw, but that was curbed due to my parents coming down on me hard for it was considered a waste of time and I have given it up and could never get back into it. But I def cannot write a creative piece of work to save my life. Please save me!!! ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Sorry for typos.

    svbhv February 6, 2024 10:49 pm

    so loud and so wrong.
    1) how is it not about the real world when it exactly mirrors the real world and is created in the real world by real world people? the attempts to separate omegaverse to reality that you pointed out are merely excuses to not engage with criticality. the standards are different so it makes it not wrong? it makes not possible to be held accountable? no. it is wrong and they can held accountable. it is the author’s decision not to make the alphas taking accountability possible. which, as i said, is what’s tough.
    2) people are affected by hormones during ovulation cycles which has been extensively researched worldwide to historically shown an increase in their libido. mild in some and heavily in others. it doesn’t just change the desires of the one ovulating it also changes their attractiveness to others to evolutionarily increase the chances of reproduction. otherwise known in your words as “sex & make babies” behaviour. so people are not ruled by their hormones but to say it does not heavily impact their daily lives or their bodies or their desires is biologically false.
    3) even if we were to entertain your statement of “these people are presented as animals” then we would look at animals such as female dogs who go into heat and you would still be dead wrong. female dogs in heat accepts the male it copulates with during heat the male doesn’t just jumps on it without injury. this behaviour is also seen in other animals such as lions and giraffes where the male senses that the female is in heat and approaches to be accepted for mating like the male giraffe would approach the female’s rear and if she likes him she would pee in his mouth so that he could sense the chemicals of the pheromones in her urine to indicate that the reproductive window is open. there is none of the lose your fucking mind in a frenzy. it is only described as a frenzy by humans with different mating habits. your argument is also rut specific so we could look at deers for example as the male goes into rut they compete for territory and when the females are ready to mate they enter the territory of the male of their choosing. the point which i have made in abundance is that even animals do not behave in that manner. holding someone down because you can and because you want to is human behaviour.
    4) you saying that if it wasn’t “ian raping noah, it could have been another alpha, or many alphas” means what exactly? noah still suffered greatly, leaving only to live in fear of ian coming after him for five whole fucking years. and it’s not like the fear is unfounded when ian showed up and immediately isolated noah of everything that was present in his daily life whilst simultaneously blackmailed him into marriage by holding his sick son over his head. plus who is to say that noah would have been raped regardless? what if he managed to get away? clearly raising his son who has rare sickness and finding job and maintaining shelter shows that noah is capable, why are we assuming that him being raped some kind of destiny for him? what if an unaffected beta helped him? what if some omega got him to safety? what if some alpha sensed noah in heat and called someone who could help him instead of being the one to rape him? what’s crazy is you acting as though the rape is unavoidable when it could be avoided a dozen ways alone within this set universe but what matters is that the author choose not to and what matters is you accepting that.
    4) furthermore, if we were indulge the insane idea of “accidental rape” we would still have to look at ian raping noah right now. which he is because all noah does is ask for ian to stop and all ian does is treat him like a hole and not an actual person. they’re both mated. neither of them are “ruled” by “their nature” now are they? ian is just raping noah now because he can.
    5) what is this “it is their nature” and “if you can’t blame nature then what are you gonna do” business?? you’re blindly missing the fact that if they were just their nature it wouldn’t have been possible to have inhibitors or abortions or mark removal surgery. all of these procedures and safeguards are proof that they can be more than their nature and are currently more than their nature. the reason more safeguards doesn’t exist and no accountability for the alphas’ actions are given is because, as i said, multiple times, that it mirrors the real world. this universe is run by alphas and as such has little to no protection for omegas because when it comes to “rutting rape” and “accidental rape” and a million other ways you could call it to somehow excuse that it is rape or justify the rape, it is only the omegas who are hurt and the omegas who have to go through pregnancy and childbirth. the alphas are fine. they ‘lose their minds’ a little and go back to their normal life whilst omegas’ lives would be altered forever from the trauma or the pregnancy or the abortion or the childbirth or the accumulation of any of those factors. this is a reality that afab people face all around the world. child marriages are legal in the states with no minimum age as well as nearly 65000 pregnancies incurred by rape in states with abortions, in the uk the rise in rape accusations is up by 43% and fell by 52% in the numbers prosecuted, abortion bans and restrictions are rising in europe, korea’s 4B movement was founded on the sexual violence south korean women face in every aspect of their relationship with men. famous cases of rape where the defendant had no evidence to say he did not rape somebody, his testimony is always that he was inebriated and “out of his mind”. there are even old court transcripts where the accused claims he was possessed by the devil causing him to become a serial rapist. but nothing are ever wrong with these men, not hormonally, not mentally: they do it because they can and even when we know they do it people still say it was unavoidable. the ratio between the shit you read and the life outside of it is 1:1 always.
    6) and for your information i would never even consider a separatist society. it is not only extreme but stupid. the separation wouldn’t make the issue, or any for that matter, better, it would the problem worse because the lack of socialisation limits empathy and compassion making dehumanisation an easier default to have. there are many immediate bandaid solutions that could be implemented like on the top of my head alone: emergency helplines where unaffected betas who are the majority of the population could come the omega’s aid or secure the alpha in rut as well as install isolation rooms in public buildings like malls or schools or restaurants to ensure their safety until their heat/rut subsides enough for inhibitors or return home. long term solutions should be policies like teaching children these survival and prevention measures in schools when they’re young the way proper sex ed can save lives. policies also have long term social impacts like a shift in a population’s attitudes and fundamentally change the perception of vulnerable animal in heat and sink their fucking teeth in somebody but instead see person in pain must get help. a sociopolitical shift also has economical implications like more businesses focusing on biotechnological development to help people maintain their autonomy during their heat/rut. not just better medication and advanced procedures but masks for example like rain seasons increases successful mating because the humidity traps pheromones in the air for longer so masks that filters out these pheromones or block them can help plenty. there are even more ways like financial and legal compensation for the violated if it does occur but i believe the image is clear. but that is not the point is it? so you’re right omegaverse obviously doesn’t exist in normal real world conditions. we don’t go to into heat and we don’t knot and we don’t have pheromones dictating our actions. but in every other way they’re just like us. they have rich men who abuse their power and wealth to make people who ran away from them marry them against their will and so do we. we have everything that world does. so just because it is different doesn’t make it immune to being better. it is problematic as fuck that given the power to write anything into their universe, to make anything possible — these authors always choose rape and sexual violence, always they choose to romanticise what happened, to have gratuitous violence for the sake of violence and always they choose to make the abused end up with the abuser. which was entirely the point of having at least one of them suffer consequences to begin with.

    svbhv February 6, 2024 10:50 pm
    It depends on the omegaverse. But you're comparing real world ppl who are not alphas and oemgas, who are not ruled by pheromones, ruts & heat cycles, during which time they go crazy and wants to mate, mark/... AWinterWonderLand

    so loud and so wrong.
    1) how is it not about the real world when it exactly mirrors the real world and is created in the real world by real world people? the attempts to separate omegaverse to reality that you pointed out are merely excuses to not engage with criticality. the standards are different so it makes it not wrong? it makes not possible to be held accountable? no. it is wrong and they can held accountable. it is the author’s decision not to make the alphas taking accountability possible. which, as i said, is what’s tough.
    2) people are affected by hormones during ovulation cycles which has been extensively researched worldwide to historically shown an increase in their libido. mild in some and heavily in others. it doesn’t just change the desires of the one ovulating it also changes their attractiveness to others to evolutionarily increase the chances of reproduction. otherwise known in your words as “sex & make babies” behaviour. so people are not ruled by their hormones but to say it does not heavily impact their daily lives or their bodies or their desires is biologically false.
    3) even if we were to entertain your statement of “these people are presented as animals” then we would look at animals such as female dogs who go into heat and you would still be dead wrong. female dogs in heat accepts the male it copulates with during heat the male doesn’t just jumps on it without injury. this behaviour is also seen in other animals such as lions and giraffes where the male senses that the female is in heat and approaches to be accepted for mating like the male giraffe would approach the female’s rear and if she likes him she would pee in his mouth so that he could sense the chemicals of the pheromones in her urine to indicate that the reproductive window is open. there is none of the lose your fucking mind in a frenzy. it is only described as a frenzy by humans with different mating habits. your argument is also rut specific so we could look at deers for example as the male goes into rut they compete for territory and when the females are ready to mate they enter the territory of the male of their choosing. the point which i have made in abundance is that even animals do not behave in that manner. holding someone down because you can and because you want to is human behaviour.
    4) you saying that if it wasn’t “ian raping noah, it could have been another alpha, or many alphas” means what exactly? noah still suffered greatly, leaving only to live in fear of ian coming after him for five whole fucking years. and it’s not like the fear is unfounded when ian showed up and immediately isolated noah of everything that was present in his daily life whilst simultaneously blackmailed him into marriage by holding his sick son over his head. plus who is to say that noah would have been raped regardless? what if he managed to get away? clearly raising his son who has rare sickness and finding job and maintaining shelter shows that noah is capable, why are we assuming that him being raped some kind of destiny for him? what if an unaffected beta helped him? what if some omega got him to safety? what if some alpha sensed noah in heat and called someone who could help him instead of being the one to rape him? what’s crazy is you acting as though the rape is unavoidable when it could be avoided a dozen ways alone within this set universe but what matters is that the author choose not to and what matters is you accepting that.
    4) furthermore, if we were indulge the insane idea of “accidental rape” we would still have to look at ian raping noah right now. which he is because all noah does is ask for ian to stop and all ian does is treat him like a hole and not an actual person. they’re both mated. neither of them are “ruled” by “their nature” now are they? ian is just raping noah now because he can.
    5) what is this “it is their nature” and “if you can’t blame nature then what are you gonna do” business?? you’re blindly missing the fact that if they were just their nature it wouldn’t have been possible to have inhibitors or abortions or mark removal surgery. all of these procedures and safeguards are proof that they can be more than their nature and are currently more than their nature. the reason more safeguards doesn’t exist and no accountability for the alphas’ actions are given is because, as i said, multiple times, that it mirrors the real world. this universe is run by alphas and as such has little to no protection for omegas because when it comes to “rutting rape” and “accidental rape” and a million other ways you could call it to somehow excuse that it is rape or justify the rape, it is only the omegas who are hurt and the omegas who have to go through pregnancy and childbirth. the alphas are fine. they ‘lose their minds’ a little and go back to their normal life whilst omegas’ lives would be altered forever from the trauma or the pregnancy or the abortion or the childbirth or the accumulation of any of those factors. this is a reality that afab people face all around the world. child marriages are legal in the states with no minimum age as well as nearly 65000 pregnancies incurred by rape in states with abortions, in the uk the rise in rape accusations is up by 43% and fell by 52% in the numbers prosecuted, abortion bans and restrictions are rising in europe, korea’s 4B movement was founded on the sexual violence south korean women face in every aspect of their relationship with men. famous cases of rape where the defendant had no evidence to say he did not rape somebody, his testimony is always that he was inebriated and “out of his mind”. there are even old court transcripts where the accused claims he was possessed by the devil causing him to become a serial rapist. but nothing are ever wrong with these men, not hormonally, not mentally: they do it because they can and even when we know they do it people still say it was unavoidable. the ratio between the shit you read and the life outside of it is 1:1 always.
    6) and for your information i would never even consider a separatist society. it is not only extreme but stupid. the separation wouldn’t make the issue, or any for that matter, better, it would the problem worse because the lack of socialisation limits empathy and compassion making dehumanisation an easier default to have. there are many immediate bandaid solutions that could be implemented like on the top of my head alone: emergency helplines where unaffected betas who are the majority of the population could come the omega’s aid or secure the alpha in rut as well as install isolation rooms in public buildings like malls or schools or restaurants to ensure their safety until their heat/rut subsides enough for inhibitors or return home. long term solutions should be policies like teaching children these survival and prevention measures in schools when they’re young the way proper sex ed can save lives. policies also have long term social impacts like a shift in a population’s attitudes and fundamentally change the perception of vulnerable animal in heat and sink their fucking teeth in somebody but instead see person in pain must get help. a sociopolitical shift also has economical implications like more businesses focusing on biotechnological development to help people maintain their autonomy during their heat/rut. not just better medication and advanced procedures but masks for example like rain seasons increases successful mating because the humidity traps pheromones in the air for longer so masks that filters out these pheromones or block them can help plenty. there are even more ways like financial and legal compensation for the violated if it does occur but i believe the image is clear. but that is not the point is it? so you’re right omegaverse obviously doesn’t exist in normal real world conditions. we don’t go to into heat and we don’t knot and we don’t have pheromones dictating our actions. but in every other way they’re just like us. they have rich men who abuse their power and wealth to make people who ran away from them marry them against their will and so do we. we have everything that world does. so just because it is different doesn’t make it immune to being better. it is problematic as fuck that given the power to write anything into their universe, to make anything possible — these authors always choose rape and sexual violence, always they choose to romanticise what happened, to have gratuitous violence for the sake of violence and always they choose to make the abused end up with the abuser. which was entirely the point of having at least one of them suffer consequences to begin with.

    AWinterWonderLand February 6, 2024 11:07 pm
    so loud and so wrong.1) how is it not about the real world when it exactly mirrors the real world and is created in the real world by real world people? the attempts to separate omegaverse to reality that you p... svbhv

    I agree with most of what you have said here. But again, my point still stands. Aside from the rutting take and Pheromone influence, they ARE like us. But again, because they are NOT like us, the same rulings cannot be applied. Thanks for heavily delineating animal procreations. Everything you have said is true. However, I have YET to encounter an abo verse where the author implemented these tools.

    And as far as: <<you’re blindly missing the fact that if they were just their nature it wouldn’t have been possible to have inhibitors or abortions or mark removal surgery. all of these procedures and safeguards are proof that they can be more than their nature and are currently more than their nature.>> They are RULED by their nature, when isolation and meds/inhibtors aren't present and applied in a timely manner, then nature takes the reigh. Fine. Even if you argue that it's not "animalistic" then see how it's being presented as them losing control, consciousness, and executive functioning. These are what I meant by animalistic nature. They're no longer capable of higher level of thinking.

    As for the rest of the time, sure, they can be held accountable as human beings.

    AWinterWonderLand February 6, 2024 11:13 pm
    so loud and so wrong.1) how is it not about the real world when it exactly mirrors the real world and is created in the real world by real world people? the attempts to separate omegaverse to reality that you p... svbhv

    Anyways, you're preaching to the choir. I don't need this sh_t in my life.

    AWinterWonderLand February 6, 2024 11:18 pm
    so loud and so wrong.1) how is it not about the real world when it exactly mirrors the real world and is created in the real world by real world people? the attempts to separate omegaverse to reality that you p... svbhv

    I didn't know that much about animal procreation in terms of those other animals you have listed. All I know is I've experienced some dog/s jumping on my because they can't contain themselves, their eyes glazed over like some wild beasts, because of their heightened sense of smells. In most omegaverses alphas and omegas have receptors for pheromones and glands to produce them. They can can manipulate these pheromones production at will, so if that were used to manipulate people, then yes, they can be held accountable. Just not during ruts, since they have NO CONTROL over themselves. I just don't understand what you don't understand about an aboverse. If you want to see an aboverse that doesn't follow this trope, then make one of your own that defies this standard. No one is stopping you.

    And fantasy just remains in the fantasy realm. Why are you calling out other ppl's fantasies as of it's real life?!? I just don't understand you people.

    AWinterWonderLand February 6, 2024 11:40 pm
    so loud and so wrong.1) how is it not about the real world when it exactly mirrors the real world and is created in the real world by real world people? the attempts to separate omegaverse to reality that you p... svbhv

    And actually it's BECAUSE they can't handle being more than beast mode during ruts an cheats that's why inhibitors and mark removal procedures exists in the first place.

    Yes, ideally, there should be "educational programs" for the masses that includes betas, but would you like to go into this comic and implement it?!? And or set up some kind of shielding for when alphas or omegas goes into heat?!? How many ppl in the world often stops to help someone in need?!? In many ABOs I've read betas don't understand and don't give a fuck because they can't sense pheromones, aren't affected by them, and don't understand what it's like going into ruts and heats. So, all I can say is you can do your BEST to implement things, but whether ppl are willing to follow or not is something else. Also, who are the ppl who are gonna suggest and implement these policies. If the betas are unaffected, they can care less.bof enough omegas calls for implementation then perhaps. Don't know.

    Anyways, these are fantasies and ppl can imagine what they want. I don't understand why you feel the need to explicate everything that is the real world.

    Authors and artists are just like us. Imagine things and fantasize things. The ONLY difference is that they're able to formulate this into a work of art, written, and illustrated. It's THEIR imagination. Are you gonna go into their heads and start manipulating or shutting their brains down?!? Who are you to police such things. If you don't like what they write or illustrate, just make your own. Instead of railing and decrying their works.

    Representations be damned. It's just a piece of fiction. Someone's imaginations. If you don't like it read something else. Create your OWN shit.

    svbhv February 11, 2024 8:24 pm
    And actually it's BECAUSE they can't handle being more than beast mode during ruts an cheats that's why inhibitors and mark removal procedures exists in the first place. Yes, ideally, there should be "education... AWinterWonderLand

    you when say everything i said is true and you when you still say your points stand. absolute clownery.
    authors can formulate what they imagine and fantasise into their art and when i critique said art as to imagine and fantasise better so that it doesn’t normalise abuse and rape and make violation an inevitability then im the problem for explication? be fucking serious. how you think it is possible to produce work for the public and not have the public have opinions on said work is pure stupidity. do you think these authors and works are babies you must protect? you think the aob genre having always been problematic and therefore must stay that way? when fantasy genre was heavily criticised for only having white characters and none of colour to which the adaptations of those works had to be revised to add characters of colour, you think it should have stayed having no characters of colour? and also, these fantasies that authors implemented into art came from where if not real life? the authors and the works produced by them were pulled out of thin air and also exist in a vacuum? entire aob trope fell from the sky?
    what “you people” who beg on your hands and knees to never have to look critically at one work of fiction in your entire life need to do is grow the fuck up.
    sure it’s just a work of fiction but so is the bible. works of fiction has historically been propaganda but also for just as long it has been resistance because what fiction has never been is apolitical. i don’t know what delusional fairytale gutter you holed yourself up in to sit in the dark and say that “representation be damned” and to stop “decrying” authors’ works when it is worth decrying because it is giving defensive. if you like the manga and want to see ian rape noah at least a dozen more times before it magically becomes love then go ahead who can stop you. not me that’s for sure. but if you’re going to try and argue that the entire trope of aob must exist in this manner of glorifying rape and violence because “it is the setting” then at least have the critical thinking skills to not die on a hill so short and shallow. you’re beating your own argument like a dead horse into the ground. and for what? so you can remain delusional? pathetic.
    you arguing that it is “tough” because “it is the setting of an omegaverse” due to “their nature” is a point of contention i have refuted multiple times on the basis that 1. animals do not behave that way. if all you know is dogs jumping on you with “their eyes glazed over” then me specifically telling you that they do not behave that way in their mating rituals should have you knowing more. but you still don’t. why? because you. don’t. listen. and can’t use a search engine from the looks of it. perhaps you should read a book, maybe something non fiction to open your eyes.
    2. you can’t argue for their nature whilst discarding the rest of their nature that doesn’t suit your argument. if it is in their nature to be prone to hurting each other it would be in their nature to find ways to safeguards against it because outside their “beast mode” they are just like us which means the rest of their “nature” removed from reproductive behaviours are comparable to human or else they wouldn’t live in clearly human worlds because for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. so them having inhibitors and etc are not because of their “beast modes” for we have all equivalents with abortions and birth control and we most certainly do not have “beast modes”. if anything it argues that they are rarely reduced to just their nature but live in a world of advancements that cannot be if their nature is all there is to them. so im gonna touch your hand when say this: these measures exists because people, being more than their nature, has autonomy outside of reproduction, hence in aob where they also have these measures are proof of the fact that they exist beyond their nature.
    since you are adamant that they lose all control and executive function then the point of them being accommodated for it being implemented into policy even more necessary. and on that note are you sure that you want to say losing executive function or consciousness “animalistic” because again for the billionth time: animals don’t do that in mating and humans who do do that are disabled or those with neurodivergency. of which accommodation exist in abundance even if access is limited. is the ableist and derogatory labelling what you wish to go for to make your point that has no legs nor any logic? are you certain?
    on the point of betas not giving a fuck, the policy changes i proposed will have economical impacts like producing jobs. betas are people who have jobs. betas who in your argument doesn’t care about people would still care about doing their jobs. and educating people, running helplines, producing or designing technological advancements that allows people a greater quality of life are all jobs. plus in what human civilisation do people not give a fuck about each other? the entire purpose of living in society is that humans survive better in numbers. and almost every single person i call a friend would help somebody in need. in fact the majority of my friends run and support mutual aid within their community as well as internationally due to genocide on the daily. so whilst you’re picking up a book perhaps choose one that explains emergent theory but i doubt you will because it would seem that logic is not a sinking ship and you seem to prefer those.
    every problem you have proposed i have found an answer for. any problem you can think of i will find an answer for. me who has never created my “OWN shit”. thus the problem, as i have said multiple times, is that i who can imagine and fantasise this shit on the top of my head, i, who has not created my “OWN shit” can think of ways to make it better, but the authors who are paid to imagine and fantasise won’t then the problem is not that they are unable but that they don’t want to. and to practice critical thinking is to question why the fuck is it that across millions of aob works on hundreds of formats/platforms that not one bitch thought damn wouldn’t it be good if i didn’t glorify rape and romanticise violence like all the others that came before me. is that line of questioning simple or are you still stuck on that dead horse? therefore the conclusion is it is not tough. not even if we were to indulge your adamant proclamation that it is “their nature” because, in your words, it’s just fantasy in fantasy land. yet the fantasy lands are all the same? lmao then are they even imagining and fantasising or shitting the same shit that has been shat a million times before.

    AWinterWonderLand February 12, 2024 1:21 am
    you when say everything i said is true and you when you still say your points stand. absolute clownery. authors can formulate what they imagine and fantasise into their art and when i critique said art as to im... svbhv

    What are you ON about? There are PLENTY of ABO works that doesn't evolve around r***?!?

    If you can't accept their works. Go else where. Nobody's forcing you to read this stuff.

    And the fact people are cruel to each other exists. Sure. You can take a fraction of ppl on earth and they will be helpful. I'm not saying NO ONE is helpful, but there are scenarios, many will stand by and do nothing, because they don't care, are scared to do it, or thinks someone will help but no one does. Ofc on the human spectrum, there will be those who are pacifists and those who are proactively helping against atrocities, and those who are those who are commiting crimes against humanity. You're acting as if policies that don't pertain to a particular person would actually make them be interested or invested. People sit on the sidelines if their interest isn't involved. Not EVERYONE is out there to champion a cause.

    AWinterWonderLand February 12, 2024 1:27 am
    you when say everything i said is true and you when you still say your points stand. absolute clownery. authors can formulate what they imagine and fantasise into their art and when i critique said art as to im... svbhv

    And why did critical thinking has to come into play, when literally these are created for enjoyment, not to bust a nut over real life stuff.

    You're just making everything difficult and unenjoyable. Why are you having these lengthy debate over a a minute subject?

    Everything is political if you make it so. Stop questioning shit and get out of here.

okumiYuuki February 4, 2024 3:39 am

If you look at this on zenon comics, you could see the Bloody Love emphasis. This might not be yaoi, but it is BL. And the ending at chapter 40, Yamadera made Sayo drink his blood in public, while on his mind he wants the world know that Sayo is his. Laude even offered him to turn him into a vampire and Yamadera doesn't accept the offer because that means he will be losing Sayo.

Yamadera is crazy, but I think he likes Sayo (even though he won't admit it).

okumiYuuki January 29, 2024 2:45 pm

I was interested on the manga and looked for the volumes in Sukima. It's still ongoing, but the fourth volume has a nice cliffhanger.

I just used papago, and the last scenes were Yamadera jumping off a building, looking hopeless. Sayo saved him and said to not let go of his hand. Yamadera holds his hand tightly, thinking that Sayo might be the one, but then Mei (the woman vampire) appears. She was happy upon seeing Sayo, and saying that she was happy seing his beloved once again and then she kissed him (but there's some changes to Sayo's eyes that me thinks he's being hypnotized by Mei). But Yamadera was slowly losing his grip. He was pleading to Sayo to not let go of his hand.

Yamada: "The hand that held me just let go."
"As usual I'm falling to the bottom of the earth."

    okumiYuuki January 29, 2024 2:48 pm

    Sorry I forgot to check the spoiler tag... ╥﹏╥

    • みなみ • January 29, 2024 8:16 pm

    Daaaaymn that's deep

    bLackwoLf23 January 30, 2024 3:52 am

    so that's mean yamadera hoping for sayo to literally save his @ss?!
    Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
    i meam sometimes i hate yama for using sayo, but my man is truly a gentleman here. i seriously can't wait for sayo to drill yama's @ss ( ̄∇ ̄")

    okumiYuuki January 30, 2024 3:46 pm
    so that's mean yamadera hoping for sayo to literally save his @ss?!Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)i meam sometimes i hate yama for using sayo, but my man is truly a gentleman here. i seriously can't wait for sayo to drill yam... bLackwoLf23

    But when I looked on the scenes in Volume 4, Yamadera is just a tsundere (the bratty psycho kind, which I hate).

    And even if you see that he bullies Sayo too much, the scenes where Sayo drinks his blood makes it look like he's the masochist, not Sayo.

    And when Laude (the host Vampire) tries to bite Yamadera (because he could smell Mei on his blood), he just kicked Laude in the balls. Like Sayo's the only one who can drink his blood.

    bLackwoLf23 January 31, 2024 6:18 am
    But when I looked on the scenes in Volume 4, Yamadera is just a tsundere (the bratty psycho kind, which I hate).And even if you see that he bullies Sayo too much, the scenes where Sayo drinks his blood makes it... okumiYuuki

    ooohhhh.... that's interesting (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
    can't wait to actually see that what you mentioned. wait what?! does that mean the true ancestor the host club b@st*rd vampire & yama will meet?! Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    okumiYuuki January 31, 2024 6:58 am
    ooohhhh.... that's interesting (๑•ㅂ•)و✧can't wait to actually see that what you mentioned. wait what?! does that mean the true ancestor the host club b@st*rd vampire & yama will meet?! Σ(っ°... bLackwoLf23

    Yup. Yama will be there as a host and the scenes in the host club is kinda funny.

    bLackwoLf23 January 31, 2024 8:02 am
    Yup. Yama will be there as a host and the scenes in the host club is kinda funny. okumiYuuki

    ohmahgaaaaard Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
    i seriously can't wait for it. but I'm wondering what's sayo reaction will be when the host vampire wants to suck yama's blood?! like will sayo be there?!

    okumiYuuki January 31, 2024 8:49 am
    ohmahgaaaaard Σ(っ°Д °;)っi seriously can't wait for it. but I'm wondering what's sayo reaction will be when the host vampire wants to suck yama's blood?! like will sayo be there?! bLackwoLf23

    All I can say is Sayo is scared of the thought that Laude might hurt Yama, but Yama don't really care. But all I can say is that a lady in the host club will be converted into a fujoshi

    bLackwoLf23 January 31, 2024 11:49 am
    All I can say is Sayo is scared of the thought that Laude might hurt Yama, but Yama don't really care. But all I can say is that a lady in the host club will be converted into a fujoshi okumiYuuki

    bwahahaha that's hilarious i mean if i was there I'd totally scream my lungs out

okumiYuuki January 2, 2024 3:18 pm

This is the first manwha I read that has dimples. I find guys with dimples cute.

    -hoeforhange- January 4, 2024 3:12 pm

    This comment was so randomly cute amidst the shooting and new translator sucks ones ヾ(^-^)ノ

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