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preisempf created a topic of Bad Friend


The rage that came over me at the last part (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
That whole family can rot for all I care, I don't know why I hoped the brother would be different but eff them (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

preisempf created a topic of Gig of the Day

That's a whole another entity right there sir, praying for little guy there cause that was a legit monster cock.

preisempf created a topic of Gig of the Day

Good thing I'm fluent in spanish lmao

preisempf created a topic of Our Sunny Days

SCREAMING!!!! I was sitting on my bed *sees the kiss* and it knocked me off my seat.

Physically painful to read, I'm gonna attempt to read all of the new chapters so wish me luck Q.Q
I usually buy the official manga but the next one doesn't come out until March TT.TT

preisempf created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Hold up WHAAAAAT, I thought it was gonna be a "you speak english and we need a teacher" not a bloody scene.....