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The word “daddy” appears a lot & idk if I should be ashamed bc I was just speaking the truth
1049 photo
13 02,2021 created

647 photo
28 08,2022 created

746 photo
04 10,2020 created

358 photo
03 01,2021 created

51 photo
05 03,2023 created

93 photo
11 01,2021 created

669 photo
22 05,2021 created

Poison stuff for my little fucked up scientist
20 photo
11 10,2023 created

33 photo
27 04,2023 created

286 photo
09 04,2021 created

Just me cussing out characters I hate. But it will also be filled with me asking questions about said characters.
104 photo
09 04,2021 created

22 photo
17 11,2023 created

I need to learn how to draw all types of sex poses (be it straight or gay)
88 photo
23 02,2021 created

85 photo
05 01,2022 created

Was supposed to be “uncensored” but auto correct got me & I just kept the name bc I liked it more. Most of this isn’t even uncensored but I just need these as references bc I wanna draw smut.
121 photo
14 04,2022 created

106 photo
18 07,2021 created

64 photo
22 09,2023 created

Not really recommendations. Just stuff I want to read that’s sometimes at the end credits of other manga I’m reading
76 photo
11 08,2019 created