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kuroogami's feed

kuroogami created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

I love them both so much and I understand where they are both coming from…

but Shizuma should really take this matter seriously. I know that you need to be friendly to your co-workers since it is part of being professional but he should really learn to refuse and avoid situations that would make Minato insecure rather than think of “excuses” for the situation. I’m not saying that Minato’s behavior is right since he also need to learn to trust Shizuma but I know it’s not that easy but at least he is aware that his behavior is not okay and he knows that he is being petty and a pain in the ass but Shizuma should be aware of his actions too. I hate the part where he let himself get drag to different places not work related and even let his boss drive him to his date like you could have refuse and be firm but I get that he is just too kind but his kindness sometimes frustrates me and I think there will be lots of frustrating situations to come since it seems like the director likes Shizuma and Minato’s friends saw them both together and will definitely mention it to Minato so he will again overthink the situation so…

I’m ready for the ride. I want to see Shizuma’s possessive too btw.