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dgdoggti created a topic of Shangri La no Tori


dgdoggti created a topic of Lucky Paradise

The smut is good but god damn the story makes my blood boil.....I'm not so rotten to keep reading lol....unless woojin gets a story xx

dgdoggti created a topic of Backlight

Sir...Taegu...I am just a hole sir

dgdoggti created a topic of Candy Man

This whole story is trash (╬▔皿▔)╯Please give me back my hour!

dgdoggti created a topic of High Clear

Can't believe we're already at the end! Ahhh it's soo good! I'll look forward to the side stories -hopefully!

Does anyone have a link to the raws? I remember someone posted it here but I lost the link TT.TT I only remember it was on a sus korean website lol

dgdoggti created a topic of Define The Relationship

I love Ash and Karlyle so much! So happy that they have such a beautiful ending!! This is truly one of the best and sweetest BLs I've read (;o;) I barely get emotional while reading but damn I bawled my eyes out with that final chapter! I love them so darn much! Congrats to the author on a 10/10 series!