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Pocky July 31, 2020 7:32 pm

I need helpppp. My best friend is turning 18 soon and I dunno what present I could buy for her at alll. it's a really special day and I wanted to know if someone has an idea ?

She likes anime, yaoi, kpop, the piano, and things like that. But I don't feel like buying something related to mangas or yaoi tbh. I want something special.

I hope someone can help me ><...

    Amyth July 31, 2020 7:42 pm

    if you want to spend a lot, buy her a light stick of whatever group she likes. or buy her a manga.

    in_jail_out_soon July 31, 2020 7:43 pm

    My bestfriend turned 18 too but we can meet after my 18 bday due to corona. That's when we will exchange gifts. I had always given her sucky gifts for the past 11 yrs but this year I went all out.Honestly it depends on your budget! What's your budget?

    Sarahaeyo July 31, 2020 7:45 pm

    a paint, drawing, sketch? of anime characters and/or idols :>

    Yui-chan July 31, 2020 7:53 pm

    I think you could give her manga that she often talks about and that she likes very much, but I am sure that if you are important to her, any gift you give her will like it! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Yui-chan July 31, 2020 8:11 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! mushroom cloud

    exactly what I meant ╥﹏╥
    only that sometimes I dwell a little with explanations( ̄∇ ̄")

    Anonym2003 July 31, 2020 9:05 pm

    First of all, it doesn’t really matter what you give, as long as she knows that you’ve given your thoughts and love into it. But here’s an idea I’ve told people about before, and it seemed to have worked out well. Buy a big (!) photo album, and pick out the best photos you have that are related to her life. Reach out for others friends and family members for more hidden but valuable photos. Let it be a lot of pictures with you guys together, with her family members, a random picture from her favorite movie/book/manga, a sunset picture taken from that one time she went on a trip etc. The funny ones, the happy ones, the awkward know, just pictures with things that define her. Glue them all/set them in the album, and if you prefer it, write down a beautiful quote, a silly joke, or a sentence like: «I can’t believe that actually happened!» or «You know, to this day, I still regret it lol» under/near each picture. Be it filled with lots of memories and words. BUT, here’s the thing. Don’t take up too much of the pages, let it be at least 1/2 left that’s empty. And then, on the first empty page, also the one she’ll see after seeing through all the other photos, write something like this: «You’ve lived for 18 years already. Made a lot of unforgettable memories, the hilarious ones, the happy ones, the hurtful ones, and everything that have made you to this beautiful person that you’re today And still, you haven’t even seen half of it all, because there’s yet more to come. Let it be filled with the most memorable life lessons and everlasting smiles and laughters! And I hope to continue to witness and take part in this wonderful journey of yours! Happy birthday!» This reply finally came to an end lol. Hm...I don’t know if you’ll take this idea or get an inspiration of it, but thank you for your effort of reading this lol

    Pocky August 5, 2020 11:52 am

    Omg thank you so muuuch, I couldn’t reply cause My phone stopped working. I read all of your messages and actually I did almost everything you sent me ! I did a big box with a little bit of everything that she likes and pictures of us too ! It worked well and she even cried (since we had a little secret party for her). Thank you so so so much

Pocky August 1, 2019 9:06 pm

I’m saying famous but it’s not really x) but I think a loooot of people know it but I just can’t remember the name. I remember the cover a little bit , pretty white with some pastel water color. The story is about the uke who really love the seme but the seme is always with his childhood friend. So the uke hate him and always bully him until the seme fall for him. The uke is rich btw. I can give a lot of other details but I think it’s enough...I hope someone can help me haha

    Pocky August 1, 2019 9:16 pm Lingling

    Omg so fasttttt TT I’m going to marry you seriously haha <3 thannnnnnks

    BeepBopp August 1, 2019 10:17 pm
    Omg so fasttttt TT I’m going to marry you seriously haha <3 thannnnnnks Pocky

    The uke was rich in that one??

    hontobl August 1, 2019 10:55 pm Lingling

    Don't really know U but thank you for d link ..have being searching for it like forever

    Pocky August 2, 2019 9:37 pm
    The uke was rich in that one?? BeepBopp

    In my memories xD or maybe not really rich but he’s family was pretty..good xD

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