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ùwú followed a list
ùwú followed a list
ùwú followed question about what is desire

I'm too lame to have any

15 03,2024
ùwú like the answer
Honestly, I'd have to care first to even bother insulting anyone. Tho, I truly enjoy sarcasm and 'cultured' insults that you can say with a nice smile on your face. Anyways, there you go: -I would love to insult you, but I'm afraid I won't do as well as nature did. -Sometimes I need something only you can provide, that is your absence. -Your infer......
ùwú followed question about question

just concerned for fellow humans That live different lives, hopefully even just one person answers but yea i reply back so dont be shy to answer you can let it out theres no problem in sharing what you feel ♡

07 02,2024
ùwú asked a question

Can anyone recommend me shoujo manga with younger boyfriend?

ùwú asked a question

Can anyone recommend me bl with lots of dirty talk?