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Why is everyone complaining about the art? Most of the art for ya poi is about the same a lot of times.Second the seme is seems very healthy unlike most of y’all faves. So what if the art is at the level of a WEBTOON start up artist.

I don’t even know if I want to continue this, as that is, my sister is very much still selfish I understand that she doesn’t want to break away from her younger sister. But really, she’s hurting rather than helping. I feel like she is very delusional about the family personalities. He wants to do all these things, but there’s only so much you can do as the second princess.Fleta would have a more peaceful life with the duke that would solve most of the problems.Second even with the crown prince helping it’s only 1/4 of the time.So even if the the first princess did something again while the second wasn’t there not many people could stop her as they would turn a blind eye.Just like the emperor does.The second princess wants Fleta to be acknowledged as part of the family yet still doesn’t know how to resolve the hatred from her own father.She is too selfish, she wants to have her came and eat it too.

I’m slowly getting suspicious about the second princess. She has yet to confront her father. I understand that she may still want to maintain that relationship, but the only thing that’ll do is harm her younger sister.Just by seeing the difference in how he treats her versus Fleta. At this point she might as well just send her sister to go live with her uncle the Duke.And she could visit Duke to go see Fleta.

Idc what any of you say Duke Collins actions are unwarranted, and unnecessary. He’s only adopting her cause of his Yandere son. Do any of you notice the hostility he had toward the MC versus his son????? Point is MC is not a doll Duke Collins can buy and request for when he wants to. Also if his Yandere son wants to even have a chance of getting together either the MC he has to spend some time apart from her. Also if she’s under the title of your sister how could y’all even get together?

Unlike everyone else I like the main ML.Here’s why:
Although he recently has been manipulating situations to have Leoni make a move can we blame him? Even when she does help him she immediately backs away afterwards.I would be curious too why the person I like acts like that.

Next reason,I simply don’t like the first prince.Not because his actions, more so he is kinda lame.He knew he was going to be killed in the past life and let it happen.And then his personality overall is kind of lukewarm to me.If something happened to Leoni would he even help out?

Overall I don’t want Leoni to struggle but I would like to see her challenge than with someone like the first prince.

Mouse Uke is an alpha apologist but I can get over it cause of the multiple cute animal scenes.

nimnim juice created a topic of Kami-sama Darling

Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to the plate to translate this piece of work. A lot of translators stop halfway just as the story is coming to an end and I am appreciative of all the hard work that has been put into this.

The mc is part of the problem and is low-key a hypocrite.Anyway, the father belongs in the trash .I can never understand when they have father characters like that who on one hand dote on their child/children but when a Illegitimate child shows up they do a 180 and act cold. Last thing, I don’t understand why the 1st princess acts the way she does .we’re they not all raised by the same parents???

Maybe I’m being negative but I don’t like that whenever another character is introduced to Saki they have to tell her whole past. What if the person doesn’t like her and that helps them to bully her?

nimnim juice created a topic of The Empress Lipstick

This is just an opinion.I personally don’t like the MC.Well that’s not true I like her personality but I’m just not a fan of how naive she is.As she ignores things that could be in her benefit if she just listened.

I’m not a fan of these characters swooping in after all the bad things have happened to try to reclaim their past relationships with yi seo. Honestly, it’s unfair to him that had to deal with the sudden cold behavior then breakup from his boyfriend. And also was treated like the killer by his second oldest brother.The both don’t deserve to still have relationships with him and both need to apologize for what they have done.

nimnim juice created a topic of True Education

Okay this is very uncomfy for me to even read.I literally dropped my jaw seeing that the teacher resorted to calling him the n-word.That’s never been the right way to handle a situation like that.Second from a non brown skinned person of all people.If they were going to settle this they might as well have just made temporary brown skinned warden instead of this. As other black people know how to discipline other black people.

Honestly I’m disappointed if this is how the whole arc is gonna go.And as another commenter mentioned, this is even less likely to happen as South Korea is mostly a homogeneous country (meaning they mainly have one predominant race living there).So it would have been more likely for the Korean kids to bully the POC kids.I will give them, that there do exist black people who try to use reverse racism but it’s just very unlikely here.As someone who loves this manga never thought the author would try to tackle something like this.This may not be something they are unable to pull off without coming off as ignorant on the subject.

For someone like me who has read and watched Ouran Highschool Host Club 20+ times to come here and read this shit…… From literally taking their first episode scene. Its just too crazy.Also the reason for them not to have black hair seems to be stupid. I don’t know what to say.

nimnim juice created a topic of Roses and Champagne

My guess is that it was that boy who’s on his father’s side and is going to be the next even bet on on it.Why? Cause really who has the most issues with Leewon right now?

I like the manga I just don’t get one thing…..why go to the swordsmanship department if you never do any physical training to properly use a sword!!!!! At no point do we even see a sequence where he is running laps or training, or even doing general exercises. I wish he would just stick with magic he acts as if he’s not good at it…….. that’s a lie!!!!!!

I like this manga but really some parts are annoying. First off this feels like it should be classified as romantic comedy yaoi/shounen ai, in my opinion. Our Mc has more of a slowly building relationship with the black haired prince than pink hair. Also she has no real use in the story .Honestly it feels as if she’s only there to build up facts about the black haired princes character.Second I’m annoyed that the black haired prince and pink haired girl and the marquis keep forcing him to do stuff.Third , the art does feel like it’s getting worse or at the very least less detailed.
Lastly,this isn’t an annoying thing but I wanted to mention:

Live,laugh,Love, Demi ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

nimnim juice created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger

Why are y’all mad that thé FL is realistic ? Of course she back tracked to what she was doing before! If you were homeless because of someone else of course you would beg to be to as ken back because of what happened wasn’t her fault,She wasn’t ready to make these moves!She has to home to rely on if she screwed up.Where would her siblings sleep!

nimnim juice created a topic of Guiding Light

I wanted to read this but ,the Ukes past is kind of r*pey. Also I feel mad in my chest that the ML refuses to tell him anything about the past.He could be useful if he knew.You wouldn’t have so many problems.

nimnim juice created a topic of Busu ni Hanataba wo.

This is so cute, at this point the last of the gotta take us to meet everybody at school that they’re in a relationship. That might take three more chapters though.

nimnim juice created a topic of Office no Hyou

I wanna see the second couple , the glimpse at the end wasn’t enough!