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PepsiMaster created a topic of The Last Merman

Well this was an experience and a half

PepsiMaster created a topic of Jinx

“I’m just a tool. I know that.” SOBBING

PepsiMaster created a topic of Jinx

He’s literally a fuckn manbaby. Manifesting he gets rabies and dies

PepsiMaster created a topic of Jinx

Hope this bitch gets the full American experience and gets shot or smth

PepsiMaster created a topic of Countdown to Love

I didn’t realize not being gay was homophobic

PepsiMaster created a topic of I want a girlfriend!

I thought I was high or smth readin chap 2

PepsiMaster created a topic of Nerd Project
PepsiMaster created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Realizing how much greedier I am. Like the way I’d snatch all that fuckn money??

can’t believe he’d make my princess pick up his pinky doesn’t he know he’s just a lil guy

PepsiMaster created a topic of ENNEAD

It’s upsetting how much he looks like Osiris

PepsiMaster created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Uh oh we got ourselves a fujoshi boys

PepsiMaster created a topic of Little Mushroom

Him turning in his lil chairHE SO FUCKN CUTE BI

PepsiMaster created a topic of Little Mushroom

Can’t be more greatful this got picked up by such a talented artist

PepsiMaster created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Oh to be a lil guy laying on his fat tits

“The incarnation Kim Dokja will be killed by the one he loves most” SOBBING