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Coughing blood when said "I'm fine".

But I got a good laugh while seeing Chirpy rides Bellare

Why all the reporter give me headache and heartache lmao

Amaikajitsu0x created a topic of Once Again Idol

The storyline not so dark or heavy

Amaikajitsu0x created a topic of Be the Actor

Binge reading it and it's so GOOD
And for the female lead, I choose class president lmao

Amaikajitsu0x created a topic of Roses and Champagne

I hope you will get better soon.

It's like you meet your ex with your crush lmao

Why choose 2nd male with green flag, if he can choose main lead with the black flag

Amaikajitsu0x created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Clof doesn't get any karma.

I think, my youth will be exciting.

*cries in my old lady form*

I'm gonna hibernating from today.

Amaikajitsu0x created a topic of BJ Archmage

Just don't do anything girl


Manhwa nowadays, plot twist inside plot twist.


Now I'm camping here. Don't mind me

Amaikajitsu0x created a topic of Once Again Idol

Chaotic as always (⌒▽⌒)



I hope there's some side story about their kids