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Mamboo Bamboo July 17, 2021 2:09 pm

. . . And that was how her rose-tinted glasses shattered into a million pieces (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Mamboo Bamboo December 12, 2020 4:31 pm

Here is my overview in a form of a letter, addressed to a certain "someone".
This is all based on my sole opinion, and if you do not agree, then we shall agree to disagree~
Let's dissect this, shall we? :D


Blue-haired guy.
(You know who you are).
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I've been trying to determine what your character would be like,
even from the start of your appearance (ch. 2, pg. 19).
And might I say, I have not been enjoying what I saw.

You are the most pathetic excuse for a "second male love interest".
I don't know if you even deserve to be considered one, 'cause surely, said title is above you.

You're just a "resentful side character," who just happened to be the male lead's ex, that can't fathom why the f*ck your past relationship with Jihoon could never work out.
Must it be said FIRST for you to see?
Hope it was an alarming enough awakening for you, as now you know.

I was a bit flabbergasted that you even DARED to question Gyungwoo's person.
When you yourself, might I add, are not any close to be decent.
So, save your judgement and, try to see whether or not your take matters to the other person. Don't meddle in other people's business just for your own gain.

I could even make a list as to WHY Gyungwoo is just EXACTLY what Jihoon needed in his life, and since I have time to spare, I will!

Here's a couple of reasons why Gyungwoo is just MADE for Jihoon:
1. He values Jihoon for more than his "beauty";
NOT to say that he doesn't acknowledge it (ch. 7, pg. 14), but it wasn't what drove him into liking him in the first place. His attraction happened gradually, as the more times they spent together (ch. 6). He didn't even considered Jihoon to be more than that of a business acquaintance. Simply professional.

2. He doesn't feed Jihoon's ego;
Some might say this was a result of his "natural unawareness," but the fact is, Jihoon needed to learn that not everyone can be handed to him just because he wants them (ch. 2, pg.15). Because he doesn't give in to Jihoon's seductive antics, Jihoon came to understand that Gyungwoo is just not like his usual victims. He is unusually different, seemingly unabashed by Jihoon's "charm" (ch. 4, pg. 14). Thus, incapable of feeding Jihoon's already large ego.

3. He doesn't care for baseless assumptions;
He would rather hear from Jihoon first and foremost, because he values what he has to say, to NOT make his own conclusions (ch. 19, pg.19). Even when clearly Jihoon was at fault. And I ACTUALLY appreciate that he walked out after finding "about something a NOBODY said" (ch. 20, pg. 8), in regards of the bet, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. It just shows how much of a mature adult Gyungwoo is than you, to play "games." He chose to take time for himself, TO THINK, rather to say something hurtful to Jihoon that he would regret out of the spur of the moment! Boo-hoo, cry me a river, he didn't fall for you plan~

4. He doesn't care about public opinion;
Gyungwoo has always been honest and straightforward, no BS. He knows what he wants and he stands for it, no matter what others might think. Good or bad. Won't matter as long as he's happy (ch. 7, pg. 9 - 10). Something that I've come to learn you aren't capable of providing for Jihoon from said past relationship (ch. 21). Your fear of being under public scrutiny drove him away. You cared too much what others have to say. Because you were so afraid, you failed to realize you've hurt someone dear to you.

These are just 4 major points, but I COULD've delved more into it, though I won't.
'Cause... My "lazy" is acting up and I'm not sure any person would be patient enough to read a longer review that what I've written so far lol.

Amongst other things, I'm glad for Jihoon.
For his character growth and his newfound happiness.
For him severing the toxic from his life (that is you) and sticking up for what he believes to matter the most (that is Gyungwoo).
I'm glad he found someone that gave him the assurance he needed.
No longer does he have to live life feeling insecure (gee, I wonder whose fault this was ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍), but he can be free to be himself, if he ever so wants to, with a lover that actually supports him.

And so, I think I've rest my case.
Keep in mind, I DON'T hate you, just dissapointed at what you turned out to be.
Like Jihoon, I DO hope you'll find someone who's a better match for yourself in the future, that can help you with your fears and embrace who you really are.
No more shame in loving who you want.
Here's for a better "Blue-haired guy" in the future!

Mamboo Bamboo.

    Oyaoyaoya December 14, 2020 12:44 am

    Sis are u okay

    Mamboo Bamboo December 14, 2020 8:10 am
    Sis are u okay Oyaoyaoya

    Lol, never better (=・ω・=)
    Just felt like going on a rant~

    Sunny Yu December 17, 2020 12:36 pm

    I wish I was good in English too, so I could expressed my thoughts clearly, just like this. I envy you. This is my thoughts exactly.

    Mamboo Bamboo December 17, 2020 3:17 pm
    I wish I was good in English too, so I could expressed my thoughts clearly, just like this. I envy you. This is my thoughts exactly. Sunny Yu

    Oh my! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ I'm glad my intentions of making such a long rant could relate to those that wanted to read it... ♡ Honestly, I'm not a native English speaker, so I'm very flattered by your comment~ This made my day, thank you to you as well!

    Tangent December 26, 2020 11:38 am

    I said I'll just scan your comment but ended up reading everything. Well said!!!

    daddycain December 27, 2020 2:05 am

    so i really only skimmed so feel free too call me out on anything but i would say that i agree with you to a point. yes, what he did was horrible and i can agree with the mc to break off their friendship but i don’t think he’s a bad person. coming out to your friends is a super hard thing to do and i personally was lucky because my friends are also apart of the lgbt and are open minded so it was relieving but his may not have been. he’s also a human and was probably scared of what they would say if he came out to them and was ostracized or abandoned. and you also have to remember that this is in korea where gay marriage and couple are not accepted by a lot of people. it may seem easy to give it all away and just be confident in your sexuality but it’s really not... most people who are confident in theirs have probably also had to face hardships and hate from others in order to be the confident person that they are today. again i’m not saying that i agree with him or any of the other people who did that i’m just saying that i can understand

    Mamboo Bamboo December 27, 2020 4:43 pm
    so i really only skimmed so feel free too call me out on anything but i would say that i agree with you to a point. yes, what he did was horrible and i can agree with the mc to break off their friendship but i ... daddycain

    Definitely, I can see how the overview could be misinterpreted with how I worded some things, but in by no means did I intend to water down or undermine the hardships that comes within the LGBTQ+ community. In this case, the event of coming out to friends and families, which is a very important occurance for all that have went through it.
    Really, as I've mentioned before in my rant, it was more about how dissapointed (at the moment) I was on how the 2nd love interest dealt with his heartbreak by trying to ruin the male leads happiness for his own purpose. Moreso because I usually like to root for the underdogs, and this time, it just so happens that the "underdog" ex-lover wasn't as I expected. And so my frustration was portrayed in writing, and being too emotional when expressing one's opinion is... often not good. ( ̄∇ ̄") It was really no one's fault but my own for having a certain expectation when reading.
    IF I did offend anyone by any means, I DO apologize because there was never any ill intent upon writing this. I meant it to be taken not too serious, 'cause I wrote it half jokingly (though maybe my humor was lost). Though thank you for reading anyway, and giving your own opinion as well!

    daddycain December 27, 2020 9:16 pm
    Definitely, I can see how the overview could be misinterpreted with how I worded some things, but in by no means did I intend to water down or undermine the hardships that comes within the LGBTQ+ community. In ... Mamboo Bamboo

    it’s definitely fine i’ve had some of those in the moment bursts of anger comments myself lol and i also agree with you on how i don’t like that he ruined the mcs happiness for his own i was mainly just bringing up a new perspective! thank you for being respectful to my opinion i hope you have a great day! :D

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