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blavlala June 23, 2021 11:52 am

I feel like the ml is in a similar situation with this but EVERYONE hated that man.It makes me feel bad that I sympathize with him. ㅠㅠ

    Lilsimp June 23, 2021 11:54 am

    I didn't really hate the ml he was a piece of shit but still it was the mc lol she made me drop the manhwa it was just too much and i understand why she was like that but I just didn't like her

    blavlala June 23, 2021 12:09 pm
    I didn't really hate the ml he was a piece of shit but still it was the mc lol she made me drop the manhwa it was just too much and i understand why she was like that but I just didn't like her Lilsimp

    aw that’s a pity but to each his own :)

    Lilsimp June 23, 2021 2:26 pm
    aw that’s a pity but to each his own :) blavlala

    What happened though I dropped it a long long time ago and I'm curious

    blavlala June 23, 2021 11:35 pm
    What happened though I dropped it a long long time ago and I'm curious Lilsimp

    You really should pick it up again! I really love it though the hate on ml made me feel bad for rooting on them.The fl is really cool too!! I really wish the downfall of the mistress would come faster lol

    This is just a rough summary about the ml

    Well he was badly abused by his step mother and was forced to kill his own birthmother.After all that abuse,he met his mistress(she had an awful backstory too but she sucked lol) and she basically manipulated him and was just using him for power.The ml kind of realised how different the fl and his mistress is as the fl sympathise with him and like helped him during his breakdown(?).So he developed feelings for her but he is a piece of shit in the past so everything kinda just coming back to bit his ass lol

    english is not my first language sorry :/

    Lilsimp June 24, 2021 7:55 am
    You really should pick it up again! I really love it though the hate on ml made me feel bad for rooting on them.The fl is really cool too!! I really wish the downfall of the mistress would come faster lolThis i... blavlala

    Oh damn I hate that redhead ugh like you can just say I not rashtas fault she's stupid but this woman ugh how could take advantage of the hurt man I feel bad for him now :( maybe ill pick it up sometime later

blavlala June 22, 2021 11:15 am

wolfgang literally became the king because that’s what soohyuk it’s realistic.
on another note,i am pretty accepting because wolfgang’s love for soohyuk is just….beautiful
never seen someone so in love like wolfgang haha

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