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yamz created a topic of Love Trap「Official」

Someone’s been stung by the love bug
(fucking finally)

yamz created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

I feel like all of this author’s work have lackluster endings…This ending felt so rushed and kind of random from where it left off, but until now it was so fucking goood Great art, a good plot, and great sex scenes…The ending doesn’t do it justice

yamz created a topic of Popping Candy

Why did he get twinkified as soon as he got on top of his lap

yamz created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

In the wise words of Nicki Minaj-“ARE YOU THAT FUCKING DUMB???”

yamz created a topic of Waterside Night


yamz created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I have a confession to make…this story is my guilty pleasure…Good art, generic storyline, and a lot of sex

yamz created a topic of Midnight Dweller
yamz created a topic of Full volume
yamz created a topic of Apathetic Serenade

Greetings good sir, apologies for the intrusion, for it is because I am merely a gangster

yamz created a topic of 1 to 10

He’s on a tight schedule

yamz created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem
yamz created a topic of High Pulse

Pause, I always thought that the seme always called the uke an “Alpha” to make him feel better about himself while he actually believed that he was an omega…but as this has progressed there has been no sign that he actually DOESNT believe he’s not an alpha…And I’m pretty sure he’s going to present as an omega or potentially stay a beta

yamz created a topic of Jinx

Doc Dan is like that one person who’s almost at an uno out and then gets hit by like 8 draw 4’s… As soon as he thinks things are getting better they go to complete shit

yamz created a topic of Maybe It's Courtship

Yep their heads are definitely hallow

yamz created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Their fucking triggered the baby’s fight or flight responses

yamz created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Looks like we’re about to be in for a hell of a ride

yamz created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Seeing their sex scenes are fucking TIRING…Like can we get some advancement in their relationship rather than Tak forcing himself on Sanho??? (or get back to the main couple )

yamz created a topic of Topsy-Turvy

Chat has the first couple came back yet? I’ve been waiting for their reappearance so I can start back reading this

yamz created a topic of At The End Of Death

So is Jun the son of Silon’s ex-partner who died and that’s who he resembles so much??? I’m just trying to make things make sense

yamz created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I have an itching feeling in my big toe that the all-for-incest older brother is going to be a BIG problem next season smh