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michi's feed

Throughout this whole story I loved how the ML was so kind, polite, and not like other semes(controlling, creepy, rapey). He wasn’t going behind the ML’s back to beat up his friends who were too touchy with him and he even took his time to seduce him. He didn’t force him to have sex even when he could’ve just used his face to persuade the MC. But then, he totally turns crazy once they’re official. It’s hilarious. He’s outright stalking him and glaring at anyone who touches or breaths near MC. It thinks it’s hilarious how our MC just pushes past all his stalkerish behavior. ML is crazy but MC is such a breath of fresh air. So I think they will balance out and ML won’t get a chance to actually isolate MC or be super weird. Simply because our MC is STRONG! (*゚▽゚*)