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michi created a topic of Actually, I was the Real One

I love Erez and Keira. I love how she can act composed with him, bicker with him, feel flustered, and feel safe with him. When she’s feeling particularly alone I love how she confides in him the most. I know it’s only because he knows her circumstances and no one else can know, but, I still think those small moments where they talk in confidence matters. In the end, it does factor into the MC into liking him more. And yes, he has an unfair advantage of having magic+demon magic since he can literally create the most magically romantic scenarios. And one might think without magic he has no substance but, well, in the end he does have magic and it’s a part of him. Also he’s so cute, I love his careless personality that can be really sincere at times. I especially love how he loves sweets and has no sense of skinship It’s adorable. Also he loves humans a lot (at least their culture). He’s literally the whole reason everyone Keira knows won’t die from a war. Also I dunno I just really love studious, obsessed with magic characters and also characters who find humans quaint.