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GayChopin created a topic of Beware of Demons

omg this is so cute but i really wish the ending wasnt so abrupt and out of nowhere :<<<

GayChopin created a topic of You and I can't do this

THIS WAS SO CUTE OMFG ALSO THE AIRPORT SCENES HIT TOO CLOSE TO HOME ngl i started balling my eyes out at that part cuz its so relatable also his dick is way too big

GayChopin created a topic of Vanilla soda sky

I wish it had said the typical “im straight but ur an exception” line earlier so I could have dropped this without wasting a few hours of my life I hope these authors finally realize how toxic and invalidating that kind of line is to actual gay and bi people. Its such a big turn off and just shows that the author is fetishizing mlm relationships. Shame on them.