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my poor baby. i think the leads need a forth wall break or something bc the communication is lacking SMH

ratatatbitch created a topic of Jinx

Not surprised at all. Of course he would still be the self serving jackass he was before. I’m still wondering how in the world he got drunk off of one drink. If he’s an athlete shouldn’t he have a stronger tolerance? Just crazy. I miss Potato where is he. Need a storyline with Potato and that actor dude.

ratatatbitch answered question about subway surfers
I wouldn’t say stressed but most definitely scared. I love sleep too much to be stressing over who or what i’ll be in 35 years. Focusing on where I am right now and improving myself is much more important to me. I hope you realize that focusing on yourself, the present, your education, and prioritizing your wellbeing can lead to a secure and fu......