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Dxsiree April 8, 2024 1:23 pm

Yall im confused. What did shingun believe jake was? Like theres no way he believed he wasnt apart of a gang like???

    ihaveafanrightnow April 8, 2024 3:18 pm

    Shingun thought that Jay was in a gang - a part of mercifuls. After seeing him in a cop costume multiple times and after many incidents, evidence pointed to the fact that he may or may not be something else. Shingun is mad because he wants to know who Jay really is. Is he a cop? is he FBI? Is he a gangster? A con artist?
    Shingun feels like jay has been lying to him and is upset and just wants to know the truth, especially after he sided with him multiple times.

    MiraculousJianyi April 9, 2024 3:45 pm
    Shingun thought that Jay was in a gang - a part of mercifuls. After seeing him in a cop costume multiple times and after many incidents, evidence pointed to the fact that he may or may not be something else. Sh... ihaveafanrightnow

    I will say though when he does find out he’s with the CIA he probably won’t be as mad about him lying because…that’s literally part of the job.

Dxsiree January 24, 2024 1:54 am

Its chapter 45 and the author hasnt made no progress yet

Dxsiree August 16, 2023 8:02 am

This just made me so mad

Dxsiree July 29, 2023 8:01 pm

The comments are working again

    Torakaze July 29, 2023 8:13 pm

    I love it but I wished they would restricted the trolls or blocked the comments again.

    MelanineSucker July 29, 2023 8:22 pm

    Geez Torakaze and all your other goons harrassing ppl that dares to not agree with yall can't yall get a grip and log off

    Tmsmyz July 29, 2023 9:57 pm

    Page 4

    Sir donewithyoshit July 28, 2023 11:38 pm

    “You have spread lies too. You keep commenting on other's strangers comments and spreading the drama to those who don't need it. That is childish and petty. Don't drag others into this.”

    Who is speading lies? Who is commenting on other's strangers comments and spreading the drama to those who don't need it. That is childish and petty. Don't drag others into this.

    Tora was discreet. Tora was harassed and the victim. You are one the aggressors that harassed a rape survivor.

    It is the other way around. You can’t handle people saying this isn’t rape. You harass them.

    Tmsmyz July 29, 2023 10:02 pm

    A rape survivor said this isn’t rape.

    “ Apology for what ? Why should people apologise lmao you're the one who's wrong, you sick rape apologist, go get help. Block as many ppl as you want, that won't stop more to confront you and your sick mindset. You're hilariously pathetic.
    Wild idea, if you don't want to be "belittled" don't excuse rape then you won't get hate for being disgusting you dirty fethiz.”
    “ She is wrong and she is a rape apologist, and so are you, and judging by the fact that she never mentions it in none of her comments it's obvious you're either one of her disgusting friend or just her with a double account. Do better.”

    “ That's utter bs, Beloved trash if you need another account to defend yourself that's simply pathetic, almost as pathetic as thinking that ppl calling you out on your disgusting bs are trolls.”

    You would probably kept harassing them. If Rose did blocked you.

    It is you and your goons harrassing ppl that dares to not agree with yall can't yall get a grip and log off

    It is see your pov or be a sick rape apologist.
    You are misusing rape apologist.

    Torakaze July 29, 2023 10:11 pm

    I am sorry Dxsiree. You know how trolls are.

    Tm. You should had made clear those were Melanine harassing comments to someone that dare to disagree with her POV. That is what is sick and disgusting.

    We are not leaving because you want us gone. Stop harassing others. I think with the second you dismiss her being a rape survivor that makes you a real rape apologist. She hasn’t be on since that harassment. That is not how you talk to rape survivors and all over an opinion on a stupid story.

    toilet terrorist July 29, 2023 10:13 pm

    Every innocent comment is being dragged into this war

    Mikaela July 29, 2023 10:13 pm

    Tm and Tora. Please stop harassing people. Get a life. touch grass. Now you made Joe mama mad.

    toilet terrorist July 29, 2023 10:24 pm

    For Torakaze lol, unblocked you to say this but you got me blocked too so im just gonna leave this in the replies. Sorry for the war Dxsiree.

    I dont agree with the harrasment but i dont think being a rape survivor makes you some all-knowing god that can tell in every situation what is or isnt rape. I wasn't raped but i was sexually abused as a little dude and you dont see me using that as some sort talking point like the rape survivor did. Rape is different in every circumstance and personally speaking, being a victim of any sort of sexual violence doesnt make you suddenly more qualified to define it unless its your exact experience being presented.

    Torakaze July 29, 2023 10:26 pm

    I have not harassed anyone.

    Tmsm: it is debatable if he/they have harassed the trolls with using the trolls own methods against them.

    Attacking people isn’t not innocent.

    If only Melanine didn’t lie here.

    Stop harassing us.
    Stop lying about us.
    Stop bring it up.
    Let it go.

    That is two more trolls.

    toilet terrorist July 29, 2023 10:29 pm

    ? I know im talking about the harrasment of Mi amore i forgot who did it but i felt bad for her.

    toilet terrorist July 29, 2023 10:29 pm

    And beloved rose i pressed post by accident my bad

    Mikaela July 29, 2023 10:34 pm

    Saying we should let it go while you are still commenting about it is kinda iconic. Go on King~

    Torakaze July 29, 2023 10:39 pm

    Sorry for a war your side started?
    I have not harassed anyone. I don’t agree with the harassment. I blocked you for the harassment. I blocked you for you to leave me alone. Which worked until today.

    Your argument is irrelevant and illogical there was zero reason to say that. Do you feel threatened by me? Do you miss the real point of what I meant?
    She didn’t say she a rape survivor as a point.

    You are threatened your pov is wrong. You know POV is wrong by doing what you did or you would see the real meaning of my words or not make ridiculous false claims.

    You are so threatened by me and being wrong, you lose my true meaning to make up BS and make claims like “all-knowingly or “ more qualified”. You are exposing yourself. I presented the facts of the story. The story does not share your view. Go attack the story if you feel inferior but stop lying and attacking me that you were wrong.

    toilet terrorist July 29, 2023 10:43 pm

    Ah man i literally cant speak to you without you feeling like im attacking you or something. You seem to be very defensive, have a good day.

    Tmsmyz July 29, 2023 11:45 pm

    I am going to ignore some of that message from the other thread. I added you to that because of how you treat Mi Amore and Tora. I think that is one of the most honest things you said about Tora. Here is something else honest. You have not done much against us but two comments since Rose was harassed.

    I will tell him you added to that comment to change the meaning of the first part. I can see what he saw. You have to be honest when you meet him you didn’t give him a chance or Mi Amore. And since Rose was harassed, a few have been trying to beat us down. He saw that comment you made to me. And I pulled 3 comments out harassing Rose and you called innocent.
    Up above, one from your side called him a harasser. Of course, he would be defensive towards you and think you are attacking him.
    “ I dont agree with the harrasment (by you) but i dont think being a rape survivor makes you some all-knowing god that can tell in every situation what is or isnt rape.”

    It was very easy to get that and I can see how he got the other. He doesn’t care about right or the opinion of a rape survivor. He cares about the rape survivor. He cares about the attack on Rose. He is stressing they should not attack her like they did over an opinion. Since Rose, it has been about the harassment we have been fighting.
    I don’t think he saw your other comments to see you were empathizing with Mi Amore and Rose over how they were harassed. I will tell him. I see where he is coming from and where you are coming from. We try but it gets us nowhere. Maybe that was sign of working it out. So try to see where he is coming from. Once he sees you were empathetic towards them, he would change. He will probably apologize. It is easy to get along with him in normal conversation. He can sound like a jerk, but he doesn't mean it. He sounds like a textbook sometimes. Lmao.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 12:58 am

    Torakaze and Tmsmyz cut it out, when will you stop ? Continue creating your own posts to complain about your sad life if you wanna but literally stop harrassing people, you and all of your friends/accounts really need to give people a damk break. Seriously, leave people alone.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:06 am
    Torakaze and Tmsmyz cut it out, when will you stop ? Continue creating your own posts to complain about your sad life if you wanna but literally stop harrassing people, you and all of your friends/accounts rea... Anonyzz

    Go seek professional help. Second comment that is you harassing a rape survivor. Now you are harassing us. We are not harassing anyone. You leave us alone and seek professional help if you can’t handle people having different opinions or defending themselves against their harassers. “THIS IS ONLY FICTION, THIS IS MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, if you can't respect other people for having OPINIONS then you shouldn't be even reading this genre because you are probably too immature to understand the word RESPECT.”

    You can’t respect others opinions from yours. You harassed Rose. That is why we are here. What not take responsibility for your actions because you could not control yourself and stop blaming the victims.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:13 am seek professional help. Second comment that is you harassing a rape survivor. Now you are harassing us. We are not harassing anyone. You leave us alone and see... Tmsmyz

    "You can’t respect others opinions from yours" says the person who's been non stop flooding the comment section either harrassing people that don't agree with your opinion either bringing random people into your drama for no reason.
    I have nothing to take responsibility of, you lot are horrible people making light of rape survivors, how dare you try to pass yourself as one when you keep saying ppl are "r4ping" you when you're arguing with them, literally wtf is wrong with that head of yours.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:17 am
    Torakaze and Tmsmyz cut it out, when will you stop ? Continue creating your own posts to complain about your sad life if you wanna but literally stop harrassing people, you and all of your friends/accounts rea... Anonyzz

    Her opinion: not rape.
    You: I was curious now that the comment sections are back what kind of excuses are ppl still reading this trash giving and damn yours wins the palm.
    Enjoy this garbage as much as you want but don't fool yourself, this is just plain rape, the mc is literally in dire need of money, he isn't enjoying life and earning money just for the sake of it.
    It's rape or rape for him, the only thing he gets to "choose" is who does it to him between this disgusting boxer and these goons that collects his debts.
    There's no word big enough to describe how uterly horrendous and messed up your mindset is to think a guy like mc has any free will. Log off the internet and go seek a therapist, you're in dire need of one.

    She doesn’t like the story. She was fully informed and asked to read it for an opinion. She doesn’t enjoy. It was abusive. It reminded her when she was raped. She gave an opinion. You could not respect her. You had to attack her. You are malicious crude and disgusting to her. You see rape. Using Tora’s words, that is your disgusting fantasy to see rape. We don’t. That doesn’t means we don’t see the violence or when he non consents. You misunderstood her and us. You have the horrendous and messed up mindset to force people into your pov. It is seeing it as rape or be horrendous and messed up that needs professional help. It is you harassing us. It is you forcing views. We get blamed for it. Seriously, accept your pov isn’t the only one or seek professional help because you can’t live that way. What you did to Rose is not acceptable to anyone. You hate is disgusting. She is rape survivor. Grow up.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:20 am seek professional help. Second comment that is you harassing a rape survivor. Now you are harassing us. We are not harassing anyone. You leave us alone and see... Tmsmyz

    Also buddy your disgusting lie about being a survivor got out way after you blocked me with your account "Beloved Roses" remember ? I don't dwell on comments where I can't interact, nor do I create posts to complain about my unfortunate meeting with you lots like you do so it ain't with my one comment that I harrassed anyone.

    Sir donewithyoshit July 30, 2023 1:24 am


    constantly bringing up a person's personal matter of being a survivor of R-word is really strange. And she's not the only survivor here, there are others too.

    That seems really shallow and spreading it around like it's something important to be known seems rude.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:24 am
    Her opinion: not rape. You: I was curious now that the comment sections are back what kind of excuses are ppl still reading this trash giving and damn yours wins the palm.Enjoy this garbage as much as you want ... Tmsmyz

    I'm only going to answer to the "grow up" part because that's the only thing you were able to write correctly which is a given since there's only 2 words to write lol
    If you wanna act like the bigger person and tell people to grow up you might wanna avoid spending your entire day flooding this comment section harrasing people non stop before buddy. Coz that's not what grown ups do.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:26 am

    You can’t respect others opinions from yours" says the person who's been non stop flooding the comment section either harrassing people that don't agree with your opinion either bringing random people into your drama for no reason.

    - ^ That is not happening. Lie. I have harassed no one. Maybe the ones that harass me when I acted liked them. Seek professional help.

    -“ I have nothing to take responsibility of, you lot are horrible people making light of rape survivors, how dare you try to pass yourself as one when you keep saying ppl are "r4ping" you when you're arguing with them, literally wtf is wrong with that head of yours.”

    We are standing up for a rape survivor that you attacked. Tora’s a rape crisis counselor. It is you harming rape survivors. Mi Amore and I had reasons to say that. You are raping me now. They are not arguing with us. They are attacking us. They are lying about us. They are violating us. Your ignorance of this situation is showing. Why not understand before attacking.
    This has been pure harassment since Rose comments. There is no conversation, argument, or debate. There is no disagreement.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:28 am
    I'm only going to answer to the "grow up" part because that's the only thing you were able to write correctly which is a given since there's only 2 words to write lolIf you wanna act like the bigger person and ... Anonyzz

    I am not harassing anyone. Since you have been harassing me. It is time to grow up and seek professional help.

    I been defending myself and my friends. One a rape survivor that you attacked.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:29 am
    Dude.constantly bringing up a person's personal matter of being a survivor of R-word is really strange. And she's not the only survivor here, there are others too. That seems really shallow and spreading it a... Sir donewithyoshit

    They started that nonsense when they saw people were disagreeing with them, it really came out of nowhere yet they acted as if it was something ppl alrd knew.
    I refuse to believe a survivor would go out of their way to make light of such a thing by using it shush other people.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:31 am
    You can’t respect others opinions from yours" says the person who's been non stop flooding the comment section either harrassing people that don't agree with your opinion either bringing random people into yo... Tmsmyz

    You do realize everyone has eyes right ? They just need to go down one comment and it's you harrasing someone that wasn't talking about you at all.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:32 am
    I am not harassing anyone. Since you have been harassing me. It is time to grow up and seek professional help. I been defending myself and my friends. One a rape survivor that you attacked. Tmsmyz

    Can't wait for you to explain how exactly did that orginal comment being happy about the comment being back up attacked you and your friends/accounts.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:35 am

    Sir donewith. Go away with your opinions. She told us too. She wants it to be aware you attack her on her opinion. You tried to force your opinion on her. She wants it to be known she is a rape survivor that was attacked by the ones seeing rape.

    You call it shallow because it exposes your side. It is your side that doesn’t accept others opinions and attacks them. But you claim it is the other way around.

    Her being a rape survivor shows you don’t care about rape. You care about yourself and your opinion over a story.

    It is important. It exposes the truth. So go away with your lies.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:38 am
    They started that nonsense when they saw people were disagreeing with them, it really came out of nowhere yet they acted as if it was something ppl alrd knew.I refuse to believe a survivor would go out of their... Anonyzz

    Isn’t that being a rape apologist.

    She didn’t make light of the situation. She left out details because it made her feel uncomfortable. You think she make it light. You are wrong. She wasnt shush people either. Stop lying and beating people down.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:40 am
    Isn’t that being a rape apologist. didn’t make light of the situation. She left out details because it made her feel uncomfortable. ... Tmsmyz

    What detail was left behind ? She used it at every of her comments after your other account just brought it out of nowhere, that's not what leaving details out means.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:42 am
    You do realize everyone has eyes right ? They just need to go down one comment and it's you harrasing someone that wasn't talking about you at all. Anonyzz

    Are you sure you know what is happening?
    You mean here. I just wrote sir a comment that wrote me one. I have him blocked. Gaslighting.

    Sir donewithyoshit July 30, 2023 1:42 am
    They started that nonsense when they saw people were disagreeing with them, it really came out of nowhere yet they acted as if it was something ppl alrd knew.I refuse to believe a survivor would go out of their... Anonyzz

    They claimed they didn't know tora and the ''other'' people well before either.
    And now suddenly they do? They know a LOT about the others now, and even made lists of all their character traits and how they acted to try and differentiate them. It's very obvious.

    They also suddenly know someone is a 'rape survivor' and use it as an excuse, suddenly they're also a rape-counselor (I don't even think that's the correct word for it).

    REALLY wanted a normal conversation but they keep pulling more and more excuses out to seem right and validate their opinion on the story. It's frustrating.
    Yes. You're allowed you're opinion. But we're allowed to debate calmly. And yet being upset and taking it all personally, flooding the comments, and acting like this is just. Wow. Not healthy. Also upsetting for all.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:43 am
    Can't wait for you to explain how exactly did that orginal comment being happy about the comment being back up attacked you and your friends/accounts. Anonyzz


    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:44 am
    ????????? Tmsmyz

    That's not an explanation

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:46 am
    Are you sure you know what is happening? You mean here. I just wrote sir a comment that wrote me one. I have him blocked. Gaslighting. Tmsmyz

    You're just throwing random words around and I'm sure you don't even know what any of them mean...
    Nobody write about you, we're not all like you. You just comment on almost every post for no reason.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:47 am
    What detail was left behind ? She used it at every of her comments after your other account just brought it out of nowhere, that's not what leaving details out means. Anonyzz

    What are you talking about? You are not talking about reality.
    Stay on topic. Are you trying to have a conversation or go off in left field? I am not wasting time if you keep going off track.

    When she made her post. She should explain the 11 trolls bit. And then explain how she didn’t like the story or Joo. She should had voiced her opinions more while saying it was not rape. Stop being ridiculous.

    toilet terrorist July 30, 2023 1:48 am
    They claimed they didn't know tora and the ''other'' people well before either. And now suddenly they do? They know a LOT about the others now, and even made lists of all their character traits and how they act... Sir donewithyoshit

    Was writing about agreeing with your comment but i legit almost shit my pants bro ITS LIKE I ATE 11 SPICY BURRITOS SAVE ME BROTHAA

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:49 am
    You're just throwing random words around and I'm sure you don't even know what any of them mean...Nobody write about you, we're not all like you. You just comment on almost every post for no reason. Anonyzz

    Trolling aka Taking the L.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:49 am
    They claimed they didn't know tora and the ''other'' people well before either. And now suddenly they do? They know a LOT about the others now, and even made lists of all their character traits and how they act... Sir donewithyoshit

    They don't wanna to have opinions they want to create their mighty truth and they use every sick means necessary to silence others, I admire how civile you're trying to be when they're acting like that.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:50 am
    What are you talking about? You are not talking about reality. Stay on topic. Are you trying to have a conversation or go off in left field? I am not wasting time if you keep going off track. When she made h... Tmsmyz

    Sure, give me that in english and I'll gladly respond to you asap.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:51 am
    Trolling aka Taking the L. Tmsmyz

    Those two things are not acronyms buddy

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:52 am

    It was said I meet them on a while ago. I don’t know them in person. I never meet Rose until a few day ago.

    Rose meet them a while ago.


    Sir donewithyoshit July 30, 2023 1:52 am
    Was writing about agreeing with your comment but i legit almost shit my pants bro ITS LIKE I ATE 11 SPICY BURRITOS SAVE ME BROTHAA toilet terrorist

    They're just were sad others had opinions and wanted to argue and be right. So now they made themself a victim.
    After all their comments calling us trolls now makes me wanna troll them LMAO this is so ridiculous and goofy fr

    I bet they have character sheets laid out to specify how to at as other accounts or gacha profiles. Also, when we called them out for having other accounts they then started saying we were all the same person
    I'm out in my garden most the time weeding and fertilizing what-

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:53 am
    Sure, give me that in english and I'll gladly respond to you asap. Anonyzz

    Trolling. You took the lost.

    Sir donewithyoshit July 30, 2023 1:53 am

    you've been talking to 'rose' and other of your accounts for much longer than that, we can see your threads bro LMAO

    Sir donewithyoshit July 30, 2023 1:54 am

    *can't come up with a valid argument*

    "You're trolling, that's a trolling tactic"

    speaking from experience, are we buckaroo?

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:55 am
    They're just were sad others had opinions and wanted to argue and be right. So now they made themself a victim.After all their comments calling us trolls now makes me wanna troll them LMAO this is so ridiculous... Sir donewithyoshit

    Wait for the new background story they're making now that you called them out on their lack of consistency

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 1:57 am
    Trolling. You took the lost. Tmsmyz

    I took the lost ? Is that a thing ? An object ? Whatever it is I don't have it buddy try searching it elsewhere

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:58 am
    Can't wait for you to explain how exactly did that orginal comment being happy about the comment being back up attacked you and your friends/accounts. Anonyzz

    Now I understand.
    Your side brought the drama asked them. Tora’s comment was general and discreet. The OP didn’t know there was drama until your side comment. She could had scrolled by and this would not happen. But trolls gotta to troll.

    He has made comments like this before. You have changed.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 1:59 am
    Those two things are not acronyms buddy Anonyzz

    When some one trolls. They take the lost.

    What I put ≠ acronyms.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:01 am
    Wait for the new background story they're making now that you called them out on their lack of consistency Anonyzz

    He hasn’t called out anything but he lack of attention. There is lack of consistency in his comments.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 2:02 am
    Now I understand. Your side brought the drama asked them. Tora’s comment was general and discreet. The OP didn’t know there was drama until your side comment. She could had scrolled by and this would not... Tmsmyz

    The OP did not ask for you to bring your drama to them

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 2:05 am
    When some one trolls. They take the lost. What I put ≠ acronyms. Tmsmyz

    English lesson 101
    Take the loss ≠ take the lost (the latter doesn't mean anything)

    English lesson 102
    A.k.a is an acronym and taking the loss ≠ trolling coz they're not synonyms

    Before trying to invent your own expressions go back to studying basic english first

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:07 am

    You mean “ we are just were sadistic and angry others had opinions and wanted to attack and be right. So now they victims they harass and lie about.
    After all their comments calling us trolls now makes me wanna hate them because they are right.
    We harass them. We lie about them. We make them one person when they are 5 separate people because we are
    Insecure and ignorant. We can’t call them out and pretend to call them out.

    You are delusional If you think someone has 5 or more accounts. We have different personalities and perspectives. We like different things. You guys are doing a great job are being pathetic.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:08 am
    The OP did not ask for you to bring your drama to them Anonyzz

    Why did your side do it. Do not blame me or us. It was your side.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:11 am
    English lesson 101Take the loss ≠ take the lost (the latter doesn't mean anything)English lesson 102A.k.a is an acronym and taking the loss ≠ trolling coz they're not synonymsBefore trying to invent your ow... Anonyzz

    English 101. Right
    English 201. You missed the point. Ridiculous.


    Polite, secure people do not correct other people’s grammar.

    A Grammar Bully is feeling insecure in some way, and the insecurity is driving her to gather up friends. Many observers may think the Grammar Bully is about belittling others, but really, the Grammar Bully is just looking to find other Grammar Bullies because she is feeling angry and/or stressed.

    Anger can be subconscious and many times it is. We are discouraged from expressing anger when out and about in polite society, so we suppress it. Unfortunately, anger is one of those emotions that bubbles up to the surface. Grammar-correcting behavior is one of suppressed anger’s outlets.

    So, now that we understand that insecurity and resentment are forms of anger that are being suppressed in the Grammar Bully, we can now learn how to behave in the event that we happen upon one of these lovely people.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 2:21 am
    Why did your side do it. Do not blame me or us. It was your side. Tmsmyz

    Unless Tora something is on someone else's side other than you lots I don't see who else started that bs under this post

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:22 am
    English lesson 101Take the loss ≠ take the lost (the latter doesn't mean anything)English lesson 102A.k.a is an acronym and taking the loss ≠ trolling coz they're not synonymsBefore trying to invent your ow... Anonyzz

    Borrowed from Tora. “ I don’t need grammar lessons. You made a mistake. You are running out of ideas. You missed “(Attacking) English - grammar - mistakes -it does not make sense- another pathetic trolling tactic. “This is a trick used by debaters when they are losing an argument. The intention is to discredit what the opposition says.
    (grammar, wordage) ... in the hope that the
    audience will then discredit the arguments
    that the opposition puts forward.”
    You are showing how weak you are. Thanks for sharing your lost again.”

    You are just trolling me. Why can’t you accept people’s don’t have your pov. You attacked a rape survivor over a story and you discredit her being a rape survivor making yourself a rape apologist over an opinion on a story. cold-headed!!! She is a real rape survivor not a story. She is a person. Dan is a character.
    Which matters more your opinion. Cold hearted.

    Believe it is rape. Stop lying and trolling others who have a different opinion. Stop harassing me for standing up for your harassment on her. I am standing up for her and Mi Amore. You are a being a pos and you can change.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 2:24 am
    English 101. Right English 201. You missed the point. Ridiculous. Article—-Polite, secure people do not correct other people’s grammar. A Grammar Bully is feeling insecure in some way, and the insecurity is... Tmsmyz

    You're way too far behind to alrd be in the lesson 201 lmao I'm taking baby steps with you

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:24 am
    Unless Tora something is on someone else's side other than you lots I don't see who else started that bs under this post Anonyzz

    You are not listening.
    Tora has made post like that. Nothing happened. What changed was your guys.

    Melanine brought the drama here. The OP would not even know there was drama here. Tora didn’t cause this.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 2:26 am
    Borrowed from Tora. “ I don’t need grammar lessons. You made a mistake. You are running out of ideas. You missed “(Attacking) English - grammar - mistakes -it does not make sense- another pathetic trollin... Tmsmyz

    English lesson 103
    It is basic knowledge and also logic that you do not argue in a language you don't know, I'm too tired to try to translate your giberrish into the meaning you might have try to put behind.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 2:27 am
    You are not listening. Tora has made post like that. Nothing happened. What changed was your guys. Melanine brought the drama here. The OP would not even know there was drama here. Tora didn’t cause this. Tmsmyz

    By asking yall to leave people alone lmao which you and your other accounts clearly don't get

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:29 am
    I love it but I wished they would restricted the trolls or blocked the comments again. Torakaze

    I see no names. I see nothing about this page. I don’t see anything about drama on this page.
    It was a general statement. Tora has voiced this opinion a few times.

    Melanine caused the drama exposing herself as a troll. There was zero reason to bring the drama here. Tora didn’t start this. You took his statement to personal.

    The op would had been clueless if Melanine didn’t respond. We are not to blame for you hate on us.

    Sir donewithyoshit July 30, 2023 2:30 am

    Bro just pull out a ukulele already

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:31 am
    English lesson 103 It is basic knowledge and also logic that you do not argue in a language you don't know, I'm too tired to try to translate your giberrish into the meaning you might have try to put behind. Anonyzz

    More trolling.

    Sir donewithyoshit July 30, 2023 2:32 am
    Wait for the new background story they're making now that you called them out on their lack of consistency Anonyzz

    PLEASE THIS IS SO REAL I'm waiting for them to write us a song at this point <3

    Everyone that talks to them in a slight disagreement is an attacker, troll, hater

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:34 am
    You're way too far behind to alrd be in the lesson 201 lmao I'm taking baby steps with you Anonyzz

    More trolling. You are taking no steps with me but harassment over the truth. Your ignorance is pathetic here.

    Yumytoo July 30, 2023 2:34 am
    I see no names. I see nothing about this page. I don’t see anything about drama on this page. It was a general statement. Tora has voiced this opinion a few times. Melanine caused the drama exposing hersel... Tmsmyz

    You did lmao, the person below your other account only said the name of your other account lol, you're the one who brought the drama and the names like you were reciting a psalm.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 2:36 am
    I see no names. I see nothing about this page. I don’t see anything about drama on this page. It was a general statement. Tora has voiced this opinion a few times. Melanine caused the drama exposing hersel... Tmsmyz

    If you're talking about names you're the one who brought that lol not the previous comment

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:37 am

    I have tried to have a conversation but was harassed and trolled. It is not our side. Please respect others and stop attacking them because their opinions or stating facts from the story is different from your opinion.
    You can’t force them into your opinion.
    And attacking isn’t a disagreement.
    Your lies isn’t the truth or reality

    There is no rape in the violent story. It is just your opinion.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 2:38 am
    More trolling. Tmsmyz

    Yk sometimes skipping and acting like you didn't see a comment is better than replying the same tired bs you give when you're out of all of your other excuses lol

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 2:39 am
    More trolling. You are taking no steps with me but harassment over the truth. Your ignorance is pathetic here. Tmsmyz

    Again with the same tired chorus lmao got nothing better buddy ?

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:50 am

    Another troll: you went after both Rose and Mi Amore. By denying Rose, you are a rape apologist.

    You are what you hate.

    You are everything you call them. You are a pos.
    You attack them because they don’t share your view. That is unstable. If you can’t handle someone else having different opinions, seek professional help. You need to seek help on how to treat others. What you did was not acceptable. I know enough to think you are a second account of Melanine.

    Melanine brought the drama. To say this and block you. Leave me alone you rape apologist, trolling pos. There is no rape in this story. You can believe there is rape in this story, but don’t treat others like shit because they have a different opinion. Seriously, seek professional help if you can’t handle people who have different opinions than you.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:57 am
    Geez Torakaze and all your other goons harrassing ppl that dares to not agree with yall can't yall get a grip and log off MelanineSucker

    This is the comment that brought the drama.

    By now If anyone read this. They would know Melanine lied.

    It should be Geez Melanine and all your other goons harassing ppl that dares not to agree with y’all.

    She brought the drama. She lied. Tora and friends never harassed anyone. We stated an the story has no rape and was attacked. We were harassed. Rose and Mi Amore was treated awful. Rose was a victim of Melanine.

    This is not about an opinion of a story. This is about your not acceptable there is no rape. You want there to be rape in the story. You attack us over it. This is about your harassment on us.

    We did not bring this drama here. I brought the truth to your lies.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 2:59 am
    Again with the same tired chorus lmao got nothing better buddy ? Anonyzz

    More trolling. Same old. Same old.

    I told you. When you troll = you are taking a lost.
    You lost this attack? when I wanted a conversation.


    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 9:11 am

    You're the one who brought names that weren't there you little troll, no one else did, what that comment was sayin can be verify by just going down the comment section. You lots talked about someone blocking you being immature but lmao you do the same thing.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 9:12 am

    I alrd explained to you that taking the lost doesn't exist lmao when will that info go to that head of yours lol

    Mikaela July 30, 2023 11:07 am

    You have miles to go before you reach mediocre Tm. Good luck on your journey.

    Torakaze July 30, 2023 7:39 pm

    What he did was exposed the lies with the truth. He is not a troll. He is not being immature. He wrote you off as a bad faith actor. You only attacked him and had no conversation. There was no point to stay. The drama was from your side. For my time dealing with bad faith people I had not seen such a dense conversation. Cowards troll to feel better about themselves. It makes them feel stronger. If you start attacking or insulting you lost the argument. You could not handle yourself to support your opinion. You gave him power over you. You are so desperately insecure you have to beat down someone to feel better about yourself because your life is so miserable that you have to take it on someone else. You can’t have a conversation with him. Your hate is disgusting. You completely and utterly lost to yourself and gave him the win because you could have a civil conversation and voice your opinions to him. You showed he how weak you are. When you started to troll you lost. You did not explain anything away. You made yourself look dense.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 7:43 pm

    You write the same way, make the same mistakes and use the same incorrect expressions and then you act all shocked when ppl know it's just one person with all these accounts lmao

    Torakaze July 30, 2023 7:48 pm

    I don’t see the other comments until hours later. I have a real life. In that time, you attacked TMSM and then said it was just mocking him.
    I don’t know how to take this because for how it is been. I can see you mocking this or someone else after. I know you have not been this so that gives me some hope? I just wished to know you were genuine. I hate I am so skeptical.

    If you are sincere and genuine about that being about
    Mi Amore and Rose I do apologize. I did have the wrong interpretation for that first part.

    Mi Amore, Rose, TMSM, and I are real people who isn’t trolling.

    Mikaela July 30, 2023 7:52 pm

    Tora chan, can I join your cult? <3

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 8:04 pm

    See what did I say lmao in every of your accounts you just throw random words like it make sense and you expect us to believe you ain't alone behind your computer

    Mikaela July 30, 2023 8:09 pm
    See what did I say lmao in every of your accounts you just throw random words like it make sense and you expect us to believe you ain't alone behind your computer Anonyzz

    The way they use the same words over and over, making the same grammatically mistakes,the way they use to make space in their replies and the praising they give each other lmao. 100% a fake character someone created using different accounts. Can't tell me otherwise.

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 8:36 pm

    We have uneducated responses.

    It! is one, person with (9 or more) accounts writing at the same time.
    Let’s! Talk,,, like$$& this//;33

    fucking @@
    uneducated “”
    people +++ CaN be.

    T—- ell

    Your joke is getting fucking old. Find new material.

    They are all the same person.
    They are all the same person.

    Oh my god. We got& to use!! the, same, method over and over.

    They are all the same.

    We have, no new, way to! attack!!!!

    They are all the same person.
    We are borg. We can’t think for ourselves. We think Mi Amore, Tora, TMSM, Rose, Manhwaspicy, user, user, user, are the same person because we can’t handle multiple people. We have to make them one because we are insecure. We are borg. We are threatened of them.

    We have not reacted because it exposes yourself. Pos.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 8:54 pm
    The way they use the same words over and over, making the same grammatically mistakes,the way they use to make space in their replies and the praising they give each other lmao. 100% a fake character someone cr... Mikaela

    It's pretty sad to be honest lmao
    If I were in their shoes, well for one I would try investing my time in something a little more rewarding than going to battle for a manhwa by using multiple accounts lmao but on the hypothesis that I'm as vile as that, when you see that you're not fooling anyone at some point you gotta let go

    Tmsmyz July 30, 2023 9:07 pm

    Yo Tora!
    It's pretty sad to be honest lmao
    If I were in their shoes, well for one I would try investing my time in something a little more rewarding than going to harassing people by using multiple accounts lmao but they are being that as vile as that, when you see that you're not fooling anyone at some point you gotta let go

    We never harmed in the making of this harassment. They are too dense to see it. Most trolls move on by now. They only want to harm us. When they see that they want to harm us more. They are pos.

    Anonyzz July 30, 2023 9:33 pm

    Most normal people don't make hundreds of comments unsolicited about 3days old drama that no one cares about but it's obvious you're no ordinary person mr/ms multiple accounts lol

    Mikaela July 30, 2023 9:52 pm

    Mf is making whole ass posts about us and says we can't move on. Tmsm with the brains meat!!

    HELPMELMAO July 30, 2023 10:41 pm
    Geez Torakaze and all your other goons harrassing ppl that dares to not agree with yall can't yall get a grip and log off MelanineSucker

    ON. GOD.

    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 12:14 am

    No one cares!?
    No.. on…. Hahaahahaha
    No one cares!! Bullshit!!!!!!

    You = every one.
    Hahahahha. You spreading the drama. You can’t stop attacking us. You are so obsessed with Tora. He writes details of the story. You go out of your way to make it his pov or opinions. You have went out of your way to shut us up and get us to leave. Everyone one cares because we pissed you off over a story. That is why there is 3 days of drama and trying to hurt us and discredit us.

    You are so threatened by us and insecure you have to get us to leave or to submit. We have not moved on it because you guys can’t drop it as seen here.


    HELPMELMAO July 31, 2023 12:46 am
    Also buddy your disgusting lie about being a survivor got out way after you blocked me with your account "Beloved Roses" remember ? I don't dwell on comments where I can't interact, nor do I create posts to com... Anonyzz

    HOLY SHIT WHAT NAHHH WHAT A BITCH WHAT THE FUCK attention seekers do anything for shit these days, they are all the same person on alt accounts

    HELPMELMAO July 31, 2023 12:47 am
    Ah man i literally cant speak to you without you feeling like im attacking you or something. You seem to be very defensive, have a good day. toilet terrorist

    girl who gives 2 shits what they think, i just go ahead and attack the shit out of them when ive had enough

    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 2:10 am
    girl who gives 2 shits what they think, i just go ahead and attack the shit out of them when ive had enough HELPMELMAO

    That is weak.
    Cowards would be the only ones to say that.
    You are no better than a rapist. You are only proving you are a coward.

    Your hate is too deep rooted.
    You are a second account of someone that Tora pissed off earlier. Toilet is one of them.

    Have you learned anything. Nothing is working.

    You have the option to stop and apologize, have a real conversation or look dense af with the fake stories about us.

    Sir donewithyoshit July 31, 2023 3:02 am


    Bro 'coward' barely insults anybody, you limited-time addition flat Earther.
    No one has hate, we're all hella amused and annoyed. You just keep repeating the same things, everyone knows you think that all 8+ of those who disagreed with your opinion and got dragged in this, or any argument other you elongated into drama, are the same person?

    That's almost even impossible. And you're still asking for an apology when you could totally block and ignore us still? You look dense too you goofy goober, you. That's to say we all do. That's what the most amusing part is tbh lmao
    Let it go

    Sir donewithyoshit July 31, 2023 3:03 am

    And don't forger to drink water too.

    Love you, talk to you later, good ol' pal, you

    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 5:03 am
    That is weak.Cowards would be the only ones to say that. You are no better than a rapist. You are only proving you are a coward. Your hate is too deep rooted. You are a second account of someone that Tora pisse... Tmsmyz

    I am commenting to my comment. Since I don’t want to lose my place in the topics looking for a topic.

    Anonyzz July 31, 2023 5:44 am

    I love that they make post about us everywhere and then proceed to say that we're harrassing them

    Tmsmyz July 31, 2023 5:55 am

    I love that you ignore the fact I am exposing the lies from the harassment (meaning I am responding to someone’s harassment.)

    Stop harassing us. I blocked you hours ago. But thanks for the laughs. Go away gaslighter.

    Anonyzz July 31, 2023 6:02 am

    Yes my friend you did block me lmao so just ignore me and move on Coz I wasn't talking to you so idk why you came back here lol

    HELPMELMAO July 31, 2023 9:19 am

    stop forcing your pov tmstnsmys

    Sir donewithyoshit August 3, 2023 4:19 am
    I love that they make post about us everywhere and then proceed to say that we're harrassing them Anonyzz

    They're spreading the gospel

    Mikaela August 3, 2023 8:31 am
    They're spreading the gospel Sir donewithyoshit

    Sir, this is a wendys.

Dxsiree June 3, 2021 12:40 pm

This episode of “Sex sent me to the ER”...

Dxsiree May 3, 2021 5:00 am

Do these ppl not realize that they were both drunk

Dxsiree April 28, 2021 1:37 pm

So he still did him wrong

Dxsiree January 19, 2021 11:06 am

He just got him killed, omg bruh

Dxsiree January 1, 2021 11:40 am


Dxsiree December 12, 2020 7:32 pm


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