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DontPanic June 20, 2021 6:09 pm

I really need to get this off my chest cause I've been seeing a lot of comments lately either dissing her or saying that she could easily get the prince and empress to fix their behaviour in regards to Eris.
She can't. Why? Because she's not in a position to, and I don't mean to say that it wouldn't be great if she had more confidence in her own worth and the weight of her own existence, but that it literally would get her no where except for losing favour of the Prince and the Empress in the best case scenario. Worst case scenario, she gets executed for offending them, but let's give the Prince's affections for her the benefit of the doubt.
To explain what I'm talking about, lets take a look at the facts we've learnt so far from both Eris and Helena's perspectives:
1. The Prince and Empress clearly have no real understanding of Helena's circumstances.
2. The same goes for Eris, but that's even more obvious, since they don't even try to give her their shallow favour or affections.
3. The way the Prince has been behaving so far with the two of them goes to show that he most likely had a narcissistic personality, as do most men in the manhwa, at the least the ones privileged enough to be able to.
4. Helena has no real say over what happens and does not happen in regards not only Eris but also herself. Clearly stated in the manhwa, and even if it weren't stated, it's easy to see in the way she's treated, like a trophy.
5. Most women in this world are not allowed to have even the basic freedom of expressing their own opinions or upholding their dignity, and the lower your social pedigree is, the worse that treatment gets.
6. Helena has gained the favour of many powerful individuals because of the way she's been taught to act as well as her looks. She has no real say in accepting or denying someone's advances or affections, the only one who can say anything about another person approaching her would be the one who has the highest ranking in regards to her, and that would be the Prince himself.
7. It's clear that his affections are bothersome for her, but as we've discussed she has no real say in it.
I might have missed a few other points, but this alone is enough to for me to go forward. So let me answer some questions on what would happen say Helena decided to break free of the words her mother told her (unlikely, considering how deeply ingrained that way of living is in her, but just hypothetically speaking, say she grows some balls and a sense of "justice" and "righteousness")
Helena has the affections of the Prince and the Empress right, so she should be able to reprimand the Prince's actions in regards to Eris no? Nope. Because the Prince most like likes Helena due to her compliant, innocent and subservient personality that he's conveniently interpreting as affection and unconditional acceptance towards him and his actions. So what happens when a narcissist is made aware of his poor behaviour? Especially a narcissist in such a lofty and "honorable" and honour bound position? His ego is wounded. What happens when his ego is wounded? He looks for someone to blame. Who would be the most likely villain in his mind? Ding ding! It's Eris!!!! I wonder how he'd react once he draws that conclusion, which he most likely will.
Now let's say that on the off chance he doesn't blame Eris (lol, we wouldn't be having this problem in the first place if he were to, but whatever) who's the next likely person he's going to blame? You might not believe me, but it's actually going to end up being Helena. Why you ask? Because he doesn't actually love Helena, he's just in love with the concept of her, the ideal version of her he's created in his own head. And what happens when she deviates from that? "You've changed, you didn't used to be like this. Did Lady Eris say something to you? Is someone treating you badly? Why are you acting this way? You know I'm doing this to protect you right? I love you, Helena, you shouldn't allow her to treat you this way." Say she further goes to insist that Eris did nothing wrong, like really drive home the fact that his behaviour itself is *wrong*. That illusion of sweet, kind, accepting Helena is going to shatter, and what's left when that shatters is not unconditional affection from the Prince to Helena, but rather feelings of being wronged, deceived, offended and most likely disgraced because how could he, the most righteous Prince and most honorable man in the nation after the King, ever be wrong in his actions? How dare a mere woman, a palace made whom he so graciously saved from hard labour, point out that he has done something dishonourable. How ungrateful. But he won't come to this conclusion immediately of course, until he does he'll only continue to paint Eris as the villain in his head and if Helena were to continue to insist that his behaviour and actions are in the wrong, then this is what it'll come to. She'll be discarded like a wet rag and no one is going to blink an eye because at the end of the day, Helena is only a lovable figurine in the eyes of the Prince and the Empress and what happens when that figurine is no longer lovable? If that figurine is broken? It gets thrown away.

    GareBear June 20, 2021 6:12 pm


    DontPanic June 20, 2021 6:15 pm

    Tldr; Helena can't do shit in her position despite the affections of the Prince and the Empress. Why? Because they don't truly love or care for her, the minute she's no longer appealing to them and reinforcing the fucked up compliant and gentle image they have of her, she'll be thrown away. Because in the end, this story is set in a world where those in power have control over the lives of underprivileged and powerless. Including the way they act and behave. Does this make Helena's character more likeable? No, but it does help to understand why no matter what she does, she's not the villain here, nor is she someone who has the power to do anything. Because the minute someone in this world, especially someone who has no real power, say a woman, commoner or anyone who isn't a man in power, does something that is deemed unacceptable in this society, they'll be persecuted, just like the witches in this story.

    belladnna June 20, 2021 6:35 pm

    so like...helena is an easily disposable puppet/trophy?

    Bbfujoghurl June 20, 2021 6:48 pm
    so like...helena is an easily disposable puppet/trophy? belladnna

    Yes, for the prince and empress.

    DontPanic June 20, 2021 6:54 pm
    so like...helena is an easily disposable puppet/trophy? belladnna

    Yes, at least the minute she stops being so lovable in their eyes.

DontPanic June 18, 2021 9:26 pm

Actually, don't bother reading it for the smut either cause the shitty plot is definitely going to turn you off immediately.
They're both so fkn insecure, which is okay. If they could at least talk about it??? You're fucking adults right? At least her, I can understand a *little* bit, she has trauma over her ex cheating on her, so she didn't want to open up to him, wanted to protect herself. Still shitty of her to not have been clear about what she's looking for and that bs she pulled with her friend. But him??? Does she have to make you feel like a man or something? Wtf dude. Oh boo hoo, her job is better than yours, so you think she's making fun of you or belittling you. First of all, you're listening to your absolutely fucking trash friends on advice about women and relationships, on top of that you're doing whatever you please without even talking to her about it. Pressuring her into dating you after meeting her twice, and then getting mad all on your own. His masculinity is so fragile, they need to put it in bubble wrap.
They're both clearly incapable of having and maintaining healthy relationships, you need a match made in therapy instead, Jesus.

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