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AlphaCenturi created a topic of The Duke's Debt

Unethical!!! That man is dead!!!

AlphaCenturi created a topic of The Duke's Debt

Unethical ween!

AlphaCenturi created a topic of Trophy Wives

Coz is this really doing it for you? Really?....ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)

AlphaCenturi created a topic of Diego

As a person in the middle of a panic attack rn this is relatable

AlphaCenturi created a topic of Drick's Heat
AlphaCenturi created a topic of Unfinished Business

Y'all... Just y'all???????? Ughhhhhhhhhh the pain

AlphaCenturi created a topic of To Dear, My Sorrow

Where's the rest of this????

AlphaCenturi created a topic of Sayonara, Moratorium.

He sucks more than the actual psychos we read on here, you don't pay rent my dude tf???? Thanks for the translation tho!

AlphaCenturi created a topic of Ornamented Nightmare

As gamer this is an offense to the character wtf???? No!!!!!

He could give a heads up an email maybe a note

AlphaCenturi created a topic of Plum Love

He got femur extension surgery!

Damn , yes these are MEN, ALSO babe you live like that?

Getting fuvked for science

AlphaCenturi created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Okay that was sth, lessons have been learned the lesson is mind ya business???