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Talia December 21, 2020 8:50 pm

Something similar to caramel honey

Talia December 9, 2020 5:35 am

Any manga similar to "Starving Anonymous"

    strawberry guy December 9, 2020 6:12 am

    i wanna too reply to me when someone tells you pls

Talia November 22, 2020 8:07 am

Please if anyone can help me, I can't remember the title, but it was so interesting.
I read this manga a while ago, so I don't remember it that well, just like little scenes.
It was about this guy who gets captured, I think it was on a bus. And I believe he wakes up and sees that the other bodies are all dead. Or it's that he wakes up hanging upside down, in a room full of other people, and there's like this long tentacle thing that goes around the room slashing people.
He somehow escapes that room, through a vent, and he ends up seeing how all the bodies are frozen over and cut into pieces by humans (kinda like a factory).
He moves through the vents and sees this place with huge eggs and finds out that monsters are real and that they are eating the frozen humans.
He meets this other guy that has been living in the vents of that place for years. That person tells him that there was an agreement between the humans and the monsters. In that scene, it shows the president of that country and the monster "shaking hands''
There's also this other guy that has been modified to look older, but in reality, he was only like 6 or 7 yrs old. He was found living with his mom, the mom somehow ends up turning into a slime sort-off-monster, and sticks to this one room in the house. One of the neighbours tips off the police about the kid living alone, so the police raid their house. The guy hears his mom (the slime monster), telling him to run away, and he does. He also regenerates any body part.
Idk how he ends up in that place along with mc
I know this is a lot, but I'm hoping someone knows the name... plssss I really want to know what happens with the monsters and the mc

Talia November 17, 2020 2:30 am

Please if anyone can help me, I can't remember the title, but it was so interesting.
I read this manga a while ago, so I don't remember it that well, just like little scenes.
It was about this guy who gets captured, I think it was on a bus. And I believe he wakes up and sees that the other bodies are all dead. Or it's that he wakes up hanging upside down, in a room full of other people, and there's like this long tentacle thing that goes around the room slashing people.
He somehow escapes that room, through a vent, and he ends up seeing how all the bodies are frozen over and cut into pieces by humans (kinda like a factory).
He moves through the vents and sees this place with huge eggs and finds out that monsters are real and that they are eating the frozen humans.
He meets this other guy that has been living in the vents of that place for years. That person tells him that there was an agreement between the humans and the monsters. In that scene, it shows the president of that country and the monster "shaking hands''
There's also this other guy that has been modified to look older, but in reality, he was only like 6 or 7 yrs old. He was found living with his mom, the mom somehow ends up turning into a slime sort-off-monster, and sticks to this one room in the house. One of the neighbours tips off the police about the kid living alone, so the police raid their house. The guy hears his mom (the slime monster), telling him to run away, and he does. He also regenerates any body part.
Idk how he ends up in that place along with mc
I know this is a lot, but I'm hoping someone knows the name... plssss I really want to know what happens with the monsters and the mc

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