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Giss's experience ( All 0 )

Giss's answer ( All 10 )

about penpals
I want to! please dm if I still can join it   reply
31 07,2019
19 07,2019
I dont even remember the name, but if I see some images would recognize it. Was yaoi, talk about a guy half dog/wolf and some rich man wants him cus this guy was like super valious so he capture him and didnt let him go. I dont read too much cus I was like, wtf is this so I just read like 3 or 4 pages.   reply
19 07,2019
1. OMG I loveeee chinchillaaaassssss (I want a pet, but is not allowed in my home). 2. Something about me? I love art, Im a graphic designer student, I love cultures of all places and also would love to learn more about everything. (I think I say more than one thing but you got it)   1 reply
19 07,2019
if isnt to late, my id is: agissbz   reply
17 07,2019
if isnt to late for, my id is: agissbz   reply
17 07,2019

Giss's question ( All 1 )

Hello, I just saw a question about this, about making groups in line to learn languages together but it looks as if the groups have already closed, so if someone else wants to make others for those who couldn't get in (me ╥﹏╥), then let me know in comments. Currently I want to learn Italian (I know the basics, some verbs and terms), my English is intermediate (according to me hehe) and my native language is Spanish (in case anyone wants to learn I can help). my ID in line is: agissbz (=・ω・=)
30 07,2019

People are doing

want to do going to concerts

i need to see loona or i guess loosemble, artms, yves and chuu in concert one day brah i regret not going when they were near me so baddddd

3 hours
did going to concerts

- catfish and the bottlemen
- omar apollo
- txt (2x!!)

10 hours
want to do going to concerts

kiof world tour when…?! also i wanna see nmixx live once in my life soon as that happens i’ll die happily

20 hours