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Danny created a topic of Fall in Love or Die


okay so nobody has dropped official spoilers on this meaning it might not be a novel and is a new story. I found spoilers up to chapter 8 but I’m not going to lie I’m a bit confused. (Chapters feel cut off and scattered)

What I do know is the sister as I suspected is NOT on her side, also the dark haired ‘friend’ is going to sleep with sister (there is something very off about him)

It seems like her dreams kind of merge with reality. She has a dream where the k!ller comes to the house and she escapes with her sister on horseback but the sister kicks her off and takes off without her which is when the story starts to show us all the ways the sister screws with her. The dress swap was done by the sister not the pink haired girl.

Who I’m guessing is the male lead is blonde… last chapter he somehow shows her that the sister has been plotting against her.

Anyway I’m invested!