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Danny created a topic of A Wife's Sweet Revenge

This side story is about the shy boyfriend with glasses and it is shockingly a dark ending


This story is absolutely gut wrenching and depressing. If you are stronger than me please carry on because it’s an amazing story!!

Why are people bashing this so much? I’m enjoying it so far, if anyone managed to find spoilers please let me know

Danny created a topic of Fire in the Swamp
Danny created a topic of Madam

Reading chapters just consists of me scrolling all the way to the end not taking anything in

Is it just me or does it feel like this chapter was drawn by 3 different artists?

I’m not sure who translated this but never do that again please

I actually started crying. I’ve been dreading this chapter and was actually praying that maybe they would change it. I scrolled passed it I couldn’t read it :(

Danny created a topic of Reigned Wedding

Gosh she really is an idiot