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kurochiichii August 10, 2020 10:58 am

FINALLY! A manga that shows 2 people who BOTH enjoy being dominated and getting dominated, and are consensually being slightly controlling. This is the shit I like! I love how the author didnt make them TOO weird either and kept it at a pretty realistic amount! Wish I could find this myself ╥﹏╥

kurochiichii August 9, 2020 6:30 pm

This uke ain't it. Sooji (sweet friend) and K (blonde dude) should be the ones getting together, their personalities would also be very fun to explore cause it started off so prickly. Instead there's only 3 chapters left and its somehow gonna be forced into a "happy" ending even though imo Sooji deserves WAY BETTER then that uke! Seriously?! During this sexual stuff you call for the other guy to come? And you magically never noticed his feelings when even a random dude online is trying to help you guys?! And he even tried to tell Sooji that online guys are fine and give HIM a lesson when he's as naive as one can be? Sometimes ukes like these can work, but I'm sorry, this is not ones of those cases. Sooji deserves better and the blonde hyung seems like a nice dude. So sad that I'll never see that ending ╥﹏╥

    2seung August 10, 2020 2:48 pm

    Meh I feel like people only like this Jisoo x K because it's spicy. I mean K literally has been introduced as someone who sleeps around with many people and has a fetish for virgins (read: very likely younger boys) and you guys find him a better option than an oblivious uke? Come on. Y'all like K x Jisoo only because it fulfills that forbidden gay love fetish of yours.

    Your comment is really the most common comment you see on every fic where 3p is possible. Like... girls I know gay love is sexy and all but keep your hormones down, not every character has to fuck each other just because they're males. Let Jisoo go and find some guy that appreciates him. K is shady as fuck, uke is dumb as hell. Y'all shouldn't think Jisoo can only settle down with just them two.

    kurochiichii August 10, 2020 3:43 pm
    Meh I feel like people only like this Jisoo x K because it's spicy. I mean K literally has been introduced as someone who sleeps around with many people and has a fetish for virgins (read: very likely younger b... 2seung

    First of all, you need to chill out and get off of your belittling high horse.
    Second of all, your comment literally makes no sense.

    Your entire point is that K and the uke both suck and that its bad for people reading to prefer Sooji with K because we should instead think of Sooji with a 3rd option? Do you even read yaoi? You definitely do, so you should know that this comment is hilariously ridiculous, what do you expect the readers to say, let Sooji end up with NOBODY in a YAOI?

    The readers have 2 options here, a shitty uke, who unlike the way you are trying to potray him isn't just oblivious but also was sad when another hot guy (K) didn't join the sex so its clear he is just not good enough for Sooji who keeps getting hurt. And then there's K, who first of all, there is no proof that he only fucks virgins because all we were shown is texts of people online saying it was great, nowhere did it indicate that all of them lost their virginity to him, so the entire virginity ''fetish'' is something you made up in your own head and is not a fact.

    Calling it a ''forbidden gay love fetish'' is also very odd, because it sounds like you are someone who thinks that everyone reading BL has a fetish for gay sex, which already is hilarious, and second of all, how is it forbidden gay love? It's a guy who has sex with people from the gay community x another gay dude. There is nothing there to create a ''forbidden gay love'' scenario, and again, the reader is presented with 2 options here and the latter (K) is for most readers the better option. Atleast he has enough intelligence to notice that Sooji likes the uke.

    How even is K shady? He invites people to his own place, doesn't hide his face, and everyone knows about him in the community. The only ''bad'' thing about him would be that he likes to sleep around, which is something the uke also seems to be interested in as he's young and already looking for a sex partner and immediately accepted a threesome even though he doesn't like his friend. If sleeping around means you can never get into a serious relationship then both the uke and K will be alone forever, which is far from the truth as many people sleep around until they find someone they like. It's not rare.

    Basically - K is someone who sleeps around, the uke seems to be going in the same direction, K has enough intelligence to notice someone's feelings, there is also no proof of him only fcking virgins so that has nothing to do with it, him and Sooji being together wouldn't be ''forbidden love'' because there's nothing forbidden about it and lastly its a yaoi so it makes no sense to get pissed off about readers choosing who they prefer between the 2 presented options because either way Sooji will end up with 1 of them. We know it's gonna be the uke, and in most people's opinions the lesser evil is K. Chill out.

    Side note - What you are calling a ''fetish'' isn't even a fetish btw, you're describing a kink, and saying someone has a fetish because they said they dislike the uke and prefer the other guy already shows how ignorant you are. Even trying to call it a ''forbidden love'' fetish, lmao. Please learn the difference between a fetish and kink first before you try to use it to shame others for having an opinion that unlike yours actually makes sense. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

kurochiichii July 17, 2020 9:00 am

I already disliked Hoya because she kept telling the prince crap and even as a kid tried to blame him for being unthroned, and wow of course she also is a bastard plotting against him now (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ also it kinda pisses me off how Angela constantly goes and does things with the crown prince when she knows what that family did to the prince and even mentioned that in her book??

Either way she better tell the prince IMMEDIATELY about his piece of shit sister wanting him dead. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

kurochiichii July 16, 2020 1:52 pm


kurochiichii July 16, 2020 1:27 pm

OMG DAIYA IS SO CUTE OMG PRECIOUS (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ!! So glad I read this, its SO GOOD, finally an idol story that I actually love!

The only thing I'm sad about is the weird dicks? Why are they colored like a weird dark gradient effect, because of that it ruins all the sex scenes so I just have to skip them which is sad ╥﹏╥ I usually hate light saber dicks but I wish this one was lightsabers instead of a weird gradient

kurochiichii July 16, 2020 9:59 am

This is a rare case where I dislike all 3 of the boys and the only one I don't find annoying or crap is the vampire kid ( ̄∇ ̄") Saliou complaining about a KID was seriously getting on my nerves, the priest guy is just annoying to me and vampire dude is an asshole but we know that. Guess I'll drop this until its finished to see if it has a satisfying ending, which will be hard for me when I like none of em ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

kurochiichii July 15, 2020 9:35 pm

So I've been a fan of any story with vampires since I was a kid because the first anime I watched was Vampire Knight lmao, but sadly almost every BL vampire story I found either got dropped by the author, dropped by the translators, or just wasn't that good, and it's honestly not a very common trope, so I wasn't expecting too much from this story but wow. Only 9 chapters in and I already KNOW this is AMAZING.

(Spoilers ahead)
The fact that both the uke and seme know how to give and take is SO PLEASING. Instead of just abducting the uke for his blood he just waits for the uke to ask him something and he offers a VERY fair price for his blood, and he doesn't just take it he waits till AFTER he helps the uke first which is SO rare. Then the uke gives him what he wants (blood), the seme is incredibly nice in bed aswell, nothing is being forced onto him which is very common in BL's but ESPECIALLY common in supernatural stories (I don't mind forceful stuff usually but supernatural stories are already more sparse so I wish it was less common in those tropes). ( ̄∇ ̄")

And they also did not drag out the drama with the asshole ''bf'' of the uke and just ended it real quick!! this is SO SATISFYING. Both of them have some issues in their lives, both of them communicate well, don't just take but also give back, nothings forced on the other, but it's still interesting at the same type? 10/10 for the author. ヾ(☆▽☆)

The only other vampire BL that I like that hasn't randomly stopped being uploaded is Bottomless Swap though that's a more dramatic one (would also recommend for anyone who likes vampires)

kurochiichii July 15, 2020 2:46 pm

OMG. THANK YOU FOR FINISHING IT FINALLY! I LOVE this author but sadly a lot of them ended up unfinished, I'm so happy this got finished, I love this story

kurochiichii July 15, 2020 2:39 pm

All I can say is that every adult in here sucks ass and clearly don't know how to act like proper humanbeings and blue hair boy is an asshole who assumes everything instead of communicating and acts like a douchebag and brown hair boy should learn to stand up for himself. All of which goes back to the crap adults aswell, wow. I like it but hate how realistic it is at the same time mygod

kurochiichii July 14, 2020 5:23 pm

Lmao I immediately knew the setting was based off of sekaiichi hatsukoi but atleast the rest is different and I did enjoy it. Though I found the picture of him sleeping a bit creepy but its like a mix between sekaiichi hatsukoi x roleplay x smut, I like it ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

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