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ItsR0tten created a topic of Predator Marriage

Bro when we doing the bride snatching even I want her out the hateful ass castle

ItsR0tten created a topic of The Princess is Evil

Can someone tell me if the wizard the male lead cause like I’m not like any male character in this and I especially hate the wizard flirtation with a child character

I feel like he finna denounce his child or something boy I hope ya mom is like a buff strong woman

ItsR0tten created a topic of Melody of the Deadwood

On the edge of my seat please let her ass be laid out please also side note bro shandy(I think that’s her name) is so cute with Mc like lesbians please

Yep he blondie is Ml if black hair appeared it would of changed but nope

ItsR0tten created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I-please let this be a chapter thing I hate hate memory lost arcs especially in stuff like this reminds me of love in viewfinder when they finally confessed and book memory lost I scream

ItsR0tten created a topic of Love in Orbit

I audibly choked out the words “ew” I hate dead beats my lord

ItsR0tten created a topic of Predator Marriage

What a man I love him I’d fold like origami for this man I’m so sorry

ItsR0tten created a topic of Love in Orbit

When he cried legit I started welling up with tears please u sexy big bitch don’t rip them apart I’m bawling so hard

ItsR0tten created a topic of Predator Marriage

I know I’mma be in hell but moms a milf I gotta say it I gotta say it ┗( T﹏T )┛


I’m bout to hang myself on these damn cliff hangers please ┗( T﹏T )┛

Did the count lose weight or was there like a style change I swear he was a bigger man or am I mixing him up

Are they kissing yet (real question) ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ if so I will go to binge it

I am so scared blondie will get the girl I’m crying in lowercase like plz author plz don’t be that author

One of these asshole priest gotta pop up and start some shit

Bow your heads in prayer that my boy gets some ass he deserves it in the perfectly placed censor we pray amen ┗( T﹏T )┛

ItsR0tten created a topic of The Princess is Evil

I ain’t gone lie everybody mad weird about her as a child only one who’s good is the dad, the nanny, and her bodyguard the rest of the grown ass men are strange ( ̄へ ̄)

Feel like I read the other half of the last chapter wth ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

At that moment my bro though “if we ball out we ball together” before killing her and himself


Can someone killed that stank bitch leave our Santa alone she just wants peace