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Rice Daddy's feed

Ppl act like the ML didn't beg the FL to love him, and when she finally acquiesced all the ML did was like and scheme to kill the only family he had because he couldn't understand family and friendship bonds. Dietrick was his teacher and guided him through his adolescence, even fought along side him on the battle field, and the ML still schemed his death and then continuously lied about it. The FL always had just one goal, revenge. The ML offered it to her on a silver platter in exchange for her love, and she made him promise no more lies. The only thing the ML has ever done is lied. The fact the FL has backbone and didn't fold like y'all doesn't make her the derogatory sht y'all are calling her. She's allowed to not want to spend her life with a man she detests despite how batshît insane, controlling and clingy he is.