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Edea created a topic of Fake Romance

This level of healthiness gives me anxiety.

Edea created a topic of Nerd Project

Whyyyyyyyy? Why do they always cut it at the best part?

Edea created a topic of Again

I hate it when a seme has his pants on during sex. Come on man, the zipper! It bruises the partner and it's really uncomfortable.

Edea created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

Soohyun's brother is such a hottie. I wouldn't mind a story about him.

Edea created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

Look at my baby Soohyun. He's so relaxed and happy as long as his man is by his side. You wouldn't think he is the kind of person that will go bananas if Eunsung were to leave.

It feels like this story is written by a middle school student.

Edea created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

I liked "Kim Bitch" better.