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captain.kandi created a topic of Jinx

As you should! Feel like absolute shit for a long time.

Uhhhh..Of course she hates you! No one wants to be forced to play happy family with their r*pist. How can a doctor be so dumb..

Even in the middle of doing the deed, ML manages to look like an AH.

captain.kandi created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I wonder if they do a flashback of what Ian was doing before this flashback started, after this flashback is over.

captain.kandi created a topic of Tower of God

Ooh fack.. I can't wait for the next chapter! Let's kick some a*s!

Girl doesn't need to return to the surface, she needs to be buried in the ground

Nah. Fuck them both. Move away and do that work thing, let him suffer some more. See if he's still crying like a little bitch when he comes back.

captain.kandi created a topic of Work Love Balance

These guys are so funny, I laugh every time. I love these guys!