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Autumn-Rain's topics ( All 13 )

Autumn-Rain February 5, 2024 8:37 pm

Ugh, the squeal that I let out throughout chapter 106. The moment that Catherine and Marceau were introduced in the main story I was entranced and their love story has shown me why. Their relationship is so sweet and their story so fleshed out, that they could have had their own spin-off series instead of just side stories

Autumn-Rain November 4, 2023 3:01 pm

Just finished chapter 2 and I have so many thoughts. Firstly, I appreciate how the author makes each character have different personalities and each couple have a different story. For example, it’s interesting that Kai was educated by home schooling, Daato wasn’t educated formally while this omega (Beryl) is going to get a formal education.
Secondly, I have so many theories about why Shaia is behaving this way. There must be an underlying explanation especially after reading chapter 8 of Peiti Migon where Daato scolds the twins for their treatment of Theo. So I’m interested in the way the story will play out.
Thirdly, I wonder if Kai and Lurad’s child will make an eventual appearance in the story. I really want to see how the cousins interact with each other. I’m also intrigued in what their personality will be- purely Kai, purely Lurad, a mix of the 2 or something completely different?

As you can probably tell, I’m super invested in the story and willing to give Shaia the benefit of the doubt but he better make it up to Beryl tenfolds when the truth comes out- I want him to grovel!

    Manaacass November 4, 2023 8:14 pm

    I guess that both brothers Hugo and Shaia were in love with Theo, but Theo choose Hugo (probably cause Shaia is such a bully

    FlameGreyWolf November 5, 2023 8:08 am

    Oh oh maybe he has some undertones that even though he's the oldest he isn't the successor since it'll be passed to Cypher/Saifa eventually.

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Armchair psychology time ig 03-27 16:27

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