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kerfluffy May 5, 2021 10:54 am

Thanks but sorry translator, I can't read this.

I literally lost it when I saw the dad in Archmage's Daughter suddenly pop up LMFAO. Thanks for the effor though!

    CookieDough May 5, 2021 3:32 pm

    pls now I wish i had seen that chapter T-T

    kerfluffy May 5, 2021 6:35 pm
    pls now I wish i had seen that chapter T-T CookieDough

    You didn't miss much! Basically it was a bunch of screenshots (with translations of course) but the images were cropped all over, some were missing, and some bubbles were untranslated. And idk why at all that there was another webtoon there lmao.In defense of the uploader though, they did write a disclaimer at the start about the issues. I think maybe this was just the wrong site to upload their translations. If they uploaded it somewhere like in the spoiler thread in novelupdates I think it would have been appreciated.

    That said, it was just so unexpected lmaoo cause you're focusing on understanding the translation and then boom- HERE'S ANOTHER WEBTOON .

    (Anyway, I found out that you're the translator for the older chapters so thank you for those!)

kerfluffy April 28, 2021 5:44 pm

I feel so sorry for Izumi now :((.

But I still feel zero pity for Mizuha lol.

kerfluffy April 27, 2021 11:36 am

Poor baby just wants to forget about her ex baby father but he keeps chasing her #-.-)

    ilili April 27, 2021 3:22 pm

    No? She want the baby back so it mean she must marry him but not right now.

    kerfluffy April 27, 2021 5:03 pm
    No? She want the baby back so it mean she must marry him but not right now. ilili

    I never got the impression that giving birth to Ian is part of her plans. And I'm too lazy to backread to look for hints that do give that impression. Maybe you know something that I don't so eh, I don't mind being wrong.

kerfluffy April 25, 2021 4:05 pm

Don't worry Johannes. They don't like you too .

kerfluffy April 12, 2021 10:41 am

Read this spoiler at your own risk!!!
I read a spoiler in novelupdates that both Sovieshit AND Navier are infertile. This is because when they where young, Sovieshit stole some cookies from his mom (who was the empress then) and shared them with Navier. What he didn't know was that the cookies were poisoned to make people who ate it infertile. At that time Sovieshit's mom was supposed to give those cookies to the mistress of his dad (emperor before Sovieshit).

Later on, Sovieshit's mom finds out about what he did and demanded to know if he gave them to Navier too (he lied and said he didn't give any to Navier ヽ(`Д´)ノ). His mom then tried all possible cures to make sure that he is cured from infertility. This is why Sovieshit is so sure that Navier is infertile and that he is not. (It's really shitty how he knew about Navier's condition and didn't tell her nor try to cure her.)

Some people also say that Trashta's child is not Sovieshit's, but I read a spoiler as well that it actually is his. There is much more information in the novelupdates forums so I suggest reading up there if you want more info.

I can comment more spoilers about Navier. So let me know if you want more!

    fuHOEshi April 12, 2021 10:51 am

    Please tell me more spoilers

    blanca0 April 12, 2021 10:52 am

    I suggest electric chair for Shovieshit who's in?

    fuHOEshi April 12, 2021 11:06 am
    I suggest electric chair for Shovieshit who's in? blanca0

    I suggest we drown him till the edge of death then torture him then have the empress’s brother kill him wait- we should also let our queen at least have a go at him

    Mazino'sWifu April 12, 2021 11:11 am

    No. It is not soviet's child. ┐(´ー`)┌
    He and the fl is both infertile so yeah, it isn't his child. SPOILERS

    I've read the novel a little bit and it's mtl(I forgot the site but if I'm not lazy, I will find it later.) And I believe trashta had been fucking with this other dude and things happen. It's only mtl, so this is not 100% accurate.
    I skip alot of parts, so sorry for that. Anyways, the dude didn't know he was infertile and believe that the baby in trashta is his, but later on reveals that it isn't. He becomes more sad and in despair. The dude is crazy and stupid, he literally wanted the fl back to his kingdom and basically make her work for the queen stuff while he fucks trashta and be happy with her. Though later on he regrets it deeply. Honestly, those despair arcs were my favorite, especially trashta since she was going crazy and still being a hoe(not a surprise).

    Keneth April 12, 2021 11:15 am
    I suggest we drown him till the edge of death then torture him then have the empress’s brother kill him wait- we should also let our queen at least have a go at him fuHOEshi

    Push him off a cliff

    Mazino'sWifu April 12, 2021 11:15 am

    More spoilers

    About the infertile thing, the fl gets cured. It wasn't clear since it was only mtl, but I believe the ml knew she was infertile and basically went to find to cure her and he did. The fl gets preggy and the soviet dude gets crazy because he though both of them were infertile and now he thinks that maybe it didn't work for her or some shit.

    kerfluffy April 12, 2021 11:23 am
    Please tell me more spoilers fuHOEshi

    Navier and Heinrey spoilers:
    Heinrey makes love to Navier on a powerful magic bed (one that has the biggest magic stoneI think???) which supposedly cures any and all sicknesses. So Navier eventually becomes fertile again and gives birth to twins. According to @Mazino'sWaifu (the commenter above this reply) says that Heinrey knew about her infertility so that's why he used the magic bed.

    kerfluffy April 12, 2021 11:38 am
    No. It is not soviet's child. ┐(´ー`)┌He and the fl is both infertile so yeah, it isn't his child. SPOILERSI've read the novel a little bit and it's mtl(I forgot the site but if I'm not lazy, I will fin... Mazino'sWifu

    I see this being discussed a lot in the forums, but according to other spoilers:
    Apparently a paternity test is taken later on, and when a priest sees it, he commits suicide out of guilt. From what I understood from the discussions, the priest was guilty because he didn't believe Trashta when she said that the child was Sovieshit's so Trashta was punished and locked up.

    Idk what happens in between, but Trashta's child is adopted by someone right? And Sovieshit eventually finds her and offers for her to become a princess. But she declines because she dreams of being a knight I think? If the child wasn't Sovieshit's I don't think he would do that, so I'm leaning towards her being his legitimate child.

    I never tried MTLing the novel so irdk which side is true.

    I only know about the despair arcs from the forums but I love them too! The author really made sure to give Sovieshit his just desserts

    kerfluffy April 12, 2021 11:45 am
    I suggest electric chair for Shovieshit who's in? blanca0

    I am all for that but can we maybe cut off all his toes first

    Mazino'sWifu April 12, 2021 11:51 am
    I see this being discussed a lot in the forums, but according to other spoilers:----------Apparently a paternity test is taken later on, and when a priest sees it, he commits suicide out of guilt. From what I u... kerfluffy

    From what I can gather, soviet is HEAD OVER HEELS for trashta. Like my dude is obsessed. So when he knew that it wasn't his child, he was sad but I believe he later on just accepted it and still wanted trashta(I can't with this dude). And I honestly don't understand why he's being like that, though it low-key wasn't a surprise since he hid the fact that trashta is a literal slave. That's a big freaking deal, cuz if it gets out in public, she can't be the empress(which he desperately want it to happen). Though I have a suspicion that the ml had something to do with it, maybe a love potion?? Cuz the ml is the mastermind behind the scene. He legit planned trashta to seduce the king so he can be with the fl, which is fuck up and that's his only downside. Though I love it too since he did everything for her.
    And sorry I don't know anything about trashta wanting to be a knight since I mtled it and just guess. I only read up to the divorce part(I believe it's chapter 83) and then skip through and got to the despair arc for the king and trashta. So sorry. That's the only thing I've gathered.

    kerfluffy April 12, 2021 12:07 pm
    From what I can gather, soviet is HEAD OVER HEELS for trashta. Like my dude is obsessed. So when he knew that it wasn't his child, he was sad but I believe he later on just accepted it and still wanted trashta(... Mazino'sWifu

    Don't be sorry! At least you bothered to read the actual novel lol unlike me who just read the spoiler forums ( ̄∇ ̄").

    I don't think ML has anything to do with Rashta, but he was planning to wage war to the Eastern Empire just for Navier, and eventually decided not to because he didn't want his empire to hate Navier. But I do agree that he is shady! He does some evil stuff too behind the scenes.

    The one who manipulated Rashta to do a lot of evil things was actually Duke Elgy. But Rashta eventually does many evil deeds out of her own decisions due to greed.

    Heinrey actually informed Duke Elgy that he was no longer planning to wage war, but Duke Elgy had his own reasons for manipulating Rashta.

    Also, in an alternate story, Rashta becomes Navier's maid and becomes loyal to her. Meanwhile, Sovieshit still cheats on Navier with some countess and the countess becomes pregnant. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Hehe and it wasn't Rashta who wanted to become a knight but her daughter! (who is supposedly Sovieshu's child as well).

    Mazino'sWifu April 12, 2021 12:42 pm
    Don't be sorry! At least you bothered to read the actual novel lol unlike me who just read the spoiler forums ( ̄∇ ̄").I don't think ML has anything to do with Rashta, but he was planning to wage war to the... kerfluffy

    WAIT, yes I do remember the part about the Duke thing. Sorry I completely forgot about that, and dw, I also read spoilers from NovelUpdates, but I got to impatient and just skimmed through the novel. AND WTF IS THAT ALTERNATE STORY?? I've never heard of that omfg. Yo, the dude is still shit to the core. He didn't change lmao, I guess being a cheater is his personality.
    And speaking about that duke part, alot of ppl sympathize with trashta and justified her actions. LIKE HOW?? I kinda get it, she was manipulated and threatened so she had to do it but goddang, when she felt the love and wealth, she lost it. I'm not poor and have not experienced being that desperate (and hope I would not be experiencing being poor) but fr trashta?? Instead of being just UwU~ the king loves me~ I'm a hoe~ oOooOooh money, jeweleries and dresses~ but she wants to destroy the fl through and through. Though that's kinda what the goal is. I believe the Duke's goal is to get rid it the fl right?? Since she's a goddang smart and powerful, I believe alot of nobles is rooting for her since obviously, she's got the brains and professionality unlike the king, and isn't a dumbfuck like the king.
    I'm honestly confuse now, I've read the spoilers and they said soviet didn't know he was infertile, but when I read the novel that dipshit knew. And there's this girl in tiktok who said that the ml is behind the reason why trashta is there being a hoe to the king but now I'm not sure. I believe that maybe he has been involve a little bit and the Duke just carried everything. Like maybe the ml just went "psst, there's this slave girl." And gave him hints and the Duke basically just got the idea and went with it.

    MeloNelo3 April 12, 2021 1:13 pm
    Navier and Heinrey spoilers:-----------Heinrey makes love to Navier on a powerful magic bed (one that has the biggest magic stoneI think???) which supposedly cures any and all sicknesses. So Navier eventually b... kerfluffy

    Lmfao....I just imagine Henrei taking us on a tour of cribs and when opening the door to his bedroom saying, “and this is where the magic happens...literally.”

kerfluffy April 7, 2021 6:02 pm

Ahhh my sweet sweet series, you're finally back (▰˘◡˘▰)

kerfluffy March 18, 2021 6:09 pm

The author's art is really improving a lot. I really like it!

kerfluffy March 17, 2021 12:41 pm


kerfluffy February 18, 2021 4:43 pm

Bon really be pullin dem sleek nin nin moves (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

kerfluffy January 13, 2021 6:58 pm

I really think that Tonari is the best and most worthy partner for Fushi due to multiple reasons. But she has to understand that Fushi has 0 love experience and that he wouldn't do something so convoluted like what she's thinking. :((

I was so happy to have the first shippable moment... and then it just ended as abruptly as it started . Fml.

I hope they can talk this out soon, and that she can show him a genuine love, unlike Mizuha.

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