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i love me the donut ring

fingerblaster_800 asked question about question

zettai bl is real...........and updating.......thank you

fingerblaster_800 answered question about question
this jinx stuff gets serious be prepared to die by it
fingerblaster_800 created a topic of Lookism


fingerblaster_800 add manga to list Favorites aha

As a reporter, Clark has interviewed many criminals but never a murderer. Enter Alex, the Triage Kil...

  • Author: KJK
  • Genres: Horror / Drama / Yaoi / Webtoons / Tragedy

are they rewriting this? the story is already completed

so happy im not a freak
fingerblaster_800 answered question about helping each other
and why would you choose the one where the mc looks like a preteen boy
fingerblaster_800 answered question about question
the villain sacrifices the world for you but then what? what comes next? is it just gonna be you and the villain floating in space? the idea of it sounds romantic but in reality its really just over the top wb the hero? they'll neglect you for others and you'd have to worry about weird people trying to break the two of you up. everyone would be in......

please god let the emperor, duke, and demon king's death be slow and painful please god

fingerblaster_800 created a topic of Gokurakugai

girl if you dont pull that damn trigger

fingerblaster_800 asked question about question

whats a set of lyrics from a song you absolutely love? currently reexperiencing an emo phase and listening to patd and ptv so here are two lyrics from them that i love: from patd's i constantly thank god for estaban: Give us this day our daily dose of faux affliction Forgive our sins Forged at the pulpit with forked tongues selling faux sermons ......

fingerblaster_800 asked question about lmao

not really weird but i had a dream that i was married to leon (resident evil) and he was bearing our chld but for some reason i was really ecstatic about it idk why but wbu

fingerblaster_800 answered question about question
guys with side bangs, girls with side bangs, people with side bangs