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Error_606 created a topic of Love in Orbit

Oh to be called " favorite person in the universe " by an alien ....

Error_606 answered question about question
My eyesight is bad but I don't like wearing glasses at least picrew made it look cute ...
Error_606 created a topic of Don't Press the Button

I need a peep for myself too ...

Error_606 created a topic of Regas

Abel!!!!! Don't die yet!! T^T

Error_606 answered question about make a picrew
Error_606 asked a question

Any bl fantasy about hero or dungeon raids etc...

Error_606 created a topic of Waterside Night

I need that man and the father six feet under ...

Error_606 created a topic of Love in Orbit

If the money is gone the father will disappear just like poof
Then he's gone...

Error_606 answered question about dating
Me and my boy version . ( who said only grinffindor can have twins lol) .
Error_606 created a topic of Regas

I need abel to stay abel...I need no blonde boy.
The buff and innocence just makes him who he really is and we love him for that ....I will feel like i am reading a whole new manhwa with the change of body ...T_T

Error_606 created a topic of Regas

Looking at the cover page....I don't want abel to change T^T ....He already defiled how a regas should look like....
I don't mind a strong built man

Error_606 created a topic of Jinx

Potato is so potato Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
I am so done with the main couple being this toxic I thought I will at least have a decent sweet side couple but I guess it's going to be another roller coaster of a story again....

Error_606 asked a question

Can anyone recommend me a reincarnation/ isekai bl about magics lr kingdoms ...

Error_606 created a topic of To deny the route

I know Ilya is the end game....but my second lead syndrome is kicking in again !!!

Error_606 created a topic of Gig of the Day

Bro is already addicted ...he is lying to himself
But I am always a sucker for " uke fell first but the seme fell harder " trope ...

Not bad but not good ...

Error_606 created a topic of Waterside Night

The Hotdog song from mickey mouse ...