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LEZ_ZED created a topic of Lucky Paradise

They’re so dead, and he’s gonna get the roughest fuck session of his life y’all get ready and grab your popcorn’s and robes

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I’m even laughing and smiling from how funny and healthy they are during sex bruh, it’s supposed to be nasty and filthy

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Sugar Rain

The misunderstanding is killing me, I’ve never been dragged this long guys

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Limited Run

This is the definition of walk him like a dog heheheuehheh!!!!! I love it he is down bad

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Yours to Claim

It’s finally endgame!!!! I’m actually crying right now I’m happy but like it was so unexpected the break off we needed bruh!!!! We got it before GTA six let’s goooooo I’m crying cuz I’m actually kinda sad but still if they went on like that one of them was bound to commit suicide I just felt Angst in the air bruh

LEZ_ZED created a topic of High Clear

Men can’t write for shit I love that man but his handwriting and her face made me laugh so much cuz bro really got that doctor handwriting and also it was really funny because my History teacher who is a male writes like that too!!!

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Jinx

He gonna loose that arm, it’s gonna fall off just like that so stubborn and nobody give a fuck about you but Dan and that handsome face you have Urgh

And why isn’t his grandma not dead yet like hurry up CHOP CHOP

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I love this so much bruh I’m actually giggling and kicking my feet and singing that one catchy song

Housewarming alright…..they gonna fuck aren’t they

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Our Sunny Days

We gonna slow sexy passionate sex soon OMG Aaaaah! I love slow burn so much it’s actually therapeutic

LEZ_ZED followed a goer

recommend me them buffy x buffy mangas plz i'm DESPERATEEEEE brah

03 12,2023

That was sexy asf what the this what happens when you’ve been edged for so long guys remember this feeling

And plus we got Lyle to masturbate from the back before gta 6

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Define The Relationship

That was sexy asf what the this what happens when you’ve been edged for so long guys remember this feeling

And plus we got Lyle to masturbate from the back before gta 6

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Payback

I love how much love we have in Jay like he’s so daddy and it’s about to be a battle of my daddy’s richer than yours

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Define The Relationship

Wooooow they really just hit us with that in the face oh okay don’t worry I’ve had enough…..ima find your address author sama you better sleep with one eye open

That brother is a piece of used nasty condom thrown on the ground but my baby looks so good that’s why everyone’s looking at you bruh cuz I would look too damn and what the fuuuuuuuuck that guy definitely wants our boy look at the way he looked at him in the last panel I swear everybody wants to fuck him

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Limited Run

He’s seducing you with that delicious face and it’s gonna work if you give I. You have to make him suffer and do anything by any means to get you back so say NO and walk away

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Yours to Claim

Like I get it it’s toxic blah blah man at least it ain’t like jinx so ima wait it out but he’s starting to piss me off cuz I’m sensing angst!!! Is none of y’all sensing it I feel like if he doesn’t hurry up one of them will kill themselves and that would be the most thing that would actually make sense cuz these motherfuckers love this boy so booooy stop playing ugh!!!!

Incoming classic manwhua misunderstanding incoming

LEZ_ZED created a topic of Lucky Paradise

What are y’all talking about here in the comments “finally something other than sex”, “finally something interesting”, what?!!! Y’all were literally begging just a few chapters ago for sex we hadn’t had any for a long time fed to us, y’all are funny