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We all collectively forget and ignore the first few fcking side stories okay?! We dont claim it exists okay?!

Basically Min is a fucking loser btch whose nosy and tries to get in between them, he acts like “I was there first” when in fact they were NEVER DATING nor did ML even liked him. He is such a sore loser btch. Even the Korean Readers hates him.


Istg if that mf min keeps on being this annoying, i will come for him and break his knees.

Fck it up Seokjin created a topic of Formless

The only way to defeat this mf is killing him lmao i cant see any other option, he is too powerful alive with all that money and family power. Maybe slowly poison the mf yanno, it would take months or years but one day it will make him croak

Fck it up Seokjin add manga to list Possessive

"Heewoon has what he thinks is an innocent little obsession, following (some would call it stal...

  • Author: Won Lideu,Taegun
  • Genres: Adult / Drama / Horror / Mature / Psychological / Romance / School Life / Smut / Yaoi / Webtoons
Fck it up Seokjin created a topic of Shining Summer

MC please stop and tell him ur body is out there somewhere

Fck it up Seokjin created a topic of Waterside Night

Definitely that female alphas fault, if she kept her mouth shut and never went there, Mc wouldn’t want to leave the house since it suddenly STANK.

Also, idgaf if this becomes more gruesome for cause aint no way these mfkrs don’t deserve deathhh

Fck it up Seokjin created a topic of Waterside Night

me seeing an update: Lets fckin gooooo

I bet his ass is like perfect anal sex toy sht 1000/10 and the major is pounding crazy cause that felt too good for his virgin dick

Chungho thinks it’s unfair how Jun gets away with everything. Why should he be the one labeled...

  • Author: Jagal
  • Genres: Shounen Ai / Comedy / School Life / Slice Of Life / Webtoons / Yaoi
Fck it up Seokjin created a topic of Just Like You

W friend group, insanely supportive with e/o, not fake, no jealousy (except Jun jealous with Ayie one time), happy to be with e/o whenever, and doesn’t give af if they get in trouble together

What other side stories??? I only see 3 recent ones

Asian families and relatives coming in the house UNANNOUNCED. Also that btch Hoe thinking she’s the fiancée saying whose the btch??? Who the fck is you????? Delulu whore, the audacity to even go to his house and acting like she owns the place, WHOREEEE

I dont like how they resolve it like fucckkk can authors pls give semes some pain its always the poor ukes that chases and chases, my goddd

TW for my comment but it would have been nice if he would Unalive himself just to see if he could fix this mess and make this bastard guilty

Fck it up Seokjin created a topic of Shining Summer

This is why i say HOLD UP THE SEX cause since the other body is alive, there’s gotta be a way for the souls to return….

Cause it’s gonna be MORE FCKIN AWKWARD if they fuck, no sex season pls until they return to their original form

I feel like season 2 is getting more complicated im outtttt, will get back when this ends, probably in 1 to 2 years