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Anonymous_Anomly March 25, 2024 4:37 pm

His obsession with being seen as normal and not to let the MC to see his behaviors as not normal. Due to society viewing heterosexual relationships as the normal standard it has twisted the Semes view on homosexuality.

The fear of slipping and loosing MC is what drives him to keep the "normal" persona. He doesn't understand how he hurt tha MC or that there are different types of normal. He was taught he had to be normal due to the abnormalities in his personality. Many cultures still view homosexuality as abnormal.

He doesn't feel hatred or disgusted by them, because he doesnt feel. He's just a mirror reflecting back what he believes is expected of him by those around him.

    violet March 25, 2024 5:26 pm

    he is homophobic but doesn't realize he's homophobic to himself too, there's a term for it but i don't remember how it's called

    Anonymous_Anomly March 25, 2024 6:13 pm
    he is homophobic but doesn't realize he's homophobic to himself too, there's a term for it but i don't remember how it's called violet

    Considering he looked up the definition of unusual and obsessed over the literal definition. We are talking about someone who had to read a dictionary to understand emotions. Putting together how his mother often referred to his as unusual and mentioned how MC would not want to be near him if he continued hitting others.

    He only started dating girls to appear more normal. It's the darkness in him he's afraid of. He learned to manipulate instead of using violence. Not internalize hemophobia. Fixated on being normal without being taught there are many different types of normal. This expectation is his cage, a cage his parents used to keep his violent tendencies in check. Without the fear of loosing MC over "unusual" behavior he would have been like any of the other Semes who raped, murdered, and assaulted to get their way.

    I mean manipulation and not noticing his actions are hurting MC is bad, but consider the alternative where he could be an abusive serial killer or actually lock him up until Stockholm syndrome sets in.

Anonymous_Anomly February 6, 2024 11:30 am

The mother did not kill herself. The father did because she wanted to get Theo away from him.

    Cherry February 6, 2024 12:56 pm

    Where did you read it I can't Waite for updates here

    Shalala February 6, 2024 3:12 pm

    Link plss

    hachi February 6, 2024 3:21 pm


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