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davinademilo April 18, 2021 2:33 pm

I don't really understand what happened in ch 25. ?????

    aho April 18, 2021 5:34 pm

    idk if this will make sense but.... basically (we are just gonna use seme and uke) seme from what im trying to understand is actually smart and didnt need help studying? he just wanted to stay near uke, uke always needs a scholarship because of the issues with paying the tuition, but semethis time was very... veryy~ distracting and i guess that sort of made him lose his chance with the grades. Uke realizes this after and is upset because he wants to become a lawyer and he doesnt wanna borrow semes money. Seme is of course real toxic at this moment cause uke is leaving him even though he offers to help... continuing on now uke is home, he doesnt wanna make trouble for his dad? If i remember and is sad because while uke knew the feelings were still one sided on semes part, uke was upset because ig hes realizing his feelings afraid he wont like him anymore.

    Im doing this from memory, hope it somewhat helped

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