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some of these comments are so strange and shows that yall only read bl for the sex ...

you can all reply wtv u want + dislike if u want but non gay men seeking out stories about gay men just to see them fuck is very very strange. argue with the wall cause it if it was a man seeking out stories with lesbian women fucking just for the sex yall would be rabid and yes im aware it happens to lesbian women as well. my point is, you guys dont care about the fetishization of gay men simply bc they are men. if u read the story for the plot and enjoy the sex too then wtv bc thats part of the plot but theres tons of who you dont care and only wanna see them fuck. thats where the problem is

acidboy created a topic of Guiding Hazard

i would like to be inside both of these men.

same time.

no rests.

acidboy created a topic of Haruka Tooki Ie

I went through a lot of religious trauma and SA like Alan, I hate how much I see myself in both of these characters but I also love it so much. :( I turned to drug usage around 11 and have been sober for going on about 4 years now!! :D

acidboy created a topic of High Clear

Just wanted to mention because I’m seeing this a LOT in the comments here, regardless of if you’re dating or not, if they do NOT consent to sex IT IS RAPE. Dating someone doesn’t suddenly give you the right to their body??? y’all r insane.

I’ve also seen people using the ‘just boys handling feelings’ and acting like it’s ’just a boy thing!’ As a man, stop fucking cutting up rape to being a ‘normal boy thing’ it’s fucking not. rape is rape, regardless of the gender of whoever is involved. y’all fr make me question my faith in humanity.

acidboy created a topic of High Clear

Genuinely, what does a random act of rape add to this story? how is this gonna progress anything besides just making one of them a rapist?

Obviously I’m not in the authors headspace and fully get the characters they created, but just based on the story so far and how they have chosen to portray said characters, this just doesn’t feel like them.

This just feels like some fuckin fanfic you’d find from some sicko of two characters you like.

AGAIN. Random acts of Rape/Assault are NOT NEEDED, if it adds to the story and has a genuine reason yeah cool! but between the main couple that we obviously know is gonna end up together in the end? no.

as someone who has been assaulted, in my SLEEP, you don’t get with the person who did that to you unless they are full on manipulating you etc and thus you’d still need to GET AWAY FROM THEM?

sorry for the rant. fuck rapists. fuck this author for randomly deciding to add it too tbh.

acidboy created a topic of Dead or alive

is johnny the scammer?? but they said they already caught the scammer?? i’m so mf confused what is going on man

acidboy followed a list
acidboy followed a list

Because we all love this trope 
(BL only) 

Each page has my top 10 recs for these categories:
Pg 1 ➼ lighthearted
Pg 2 ➼ dark/heavy
Pg 3 ➼ sexual tension
Pg 4 ➼ slow burn
Pg 5 and beyond ➼ mix of stories
(will periodically shuffle order as I add more ◈ last re-organized 10/07/2023)

**The more extreme/explosive relationships tagged hate to love**

08 12,2023