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tae January 29, 2020 4:43 am

This is random but ive been feeking pretty down lately because some guy in my class has been blackmailing me and threatening me into doing things i dont want to, kinda reminded me of this story in some way its still happening and i have no one to turn to because its happened more than once and the principal called me a liar but i just felt like vetning this out because im scared of whats going to happen or what hes gonna do to me and i feels weird to say this in a manga website but i just feel comfortable to say it here you know ? Sorry i just really want somewhat reassurance after this ,,

    Anonymous January 29, 2020 5:07 am

    Omg are u ok!!?? I’ll kill this guy

    Alisha January 29, 2020 5:14 am

    Hey Tae, have you told your parents or guardian at all? Or confided in a close, trustable friend? If this classmate is harassing you then your feelings surrounding this situation are valid and I strongly urge you to seek help. What your principal did was extremely unjust and wrong but is there a reliable teacher or councillor in your school you can seek help from. I do believe that you should go to a trustworthy adult because it’s the best way to resolve this situation. I send you the best wish and I hope this situation gets resolved.

    crack dad January 29, 2020 9:05 am

    sis group up some good friends you trust and devise a plan to catch his ass. record his ass

    tae January 30, 2020 2:14 am
    Omg are u ok!!?? I’ll kill this guy @Anonymous

    unfortunately it actually got worse because he’s telling people that i’m a slut

    tae January 30, 2020 2:15 am
    Hey Tae, have you told your parents or guardian at all? Or confided in a close, trustable friend? If this classmate is harassing you then your feelings surrounding this situation are valid and I strongly urge y... @Alisha

    thank you so much , i will talk to my counselor tmm i really hope it all passes by

    Anonymous January 30, 2020 4:08 am

    This manga is fiction in fiction a lot of things happen especially in yaoi. But this happening in real life IS NOT GOOD its unacceptable. I'm so sorry this happens to you...but don't be sorry about anything it's nothing that is your fault!!! Thank you for sharing this here! I really prompt you and advise you to speak to someone. Your parents, teachers, some people at school you are close with friends - classmates but you must talk with an adult be it your parents or someone at school teacher or the headmaster. Also you must have a line in your country online or via phone where you can report school bullying. If the people at your school can't resolve it let authorities take care of it cause this is serious! It can start as simple like buy me a juice to extortion of money and much more worse things...Don't let that person abuse you more. Muster all the courage you have and do it and then you will be free and no one will try to hurt you again! Once you take one step forward the other one follows ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ You got this! Tell us please what happens good luck!

    ahnjaes January 30, 2020 7:35 am

    he’s literally bullying you, please tell an adult in charge. let that dickhead talk all he wants and ignore him afterwards. if he gets physical, again don’t be afraid to tell someone irl!!!

    crack dad January 30, 2020 8:52 am

    agreed. ^ if hes blackmailing u and ur afraid he will reveal something public that's personal you need to weigh your options sis. you may be shamed about something for your high school years which is temporary and everyone will eventually forget about but what hes doing right now is a crime and he will be shamed for his entire life. its gonna go on his record. if you wait too long then the police wont be able to help you that much

    crack dad January 30, 2020 8:53 am

    i apologize if that sounds aggressive but thats the reality unfortunately but many prayers to u bb girl hope you get his ass in jail or juvie or just out ur fuckin life xx

    pepperspray February 5, 2020 5:23 am

    This is horrible :(( If the school is not helping you, you need to contact the authorities. Blackmailing is a crime and the person who is threatening you can get into some serious trouble. I beg you to talk to someone, because the earlier the better.

    kimuchi February 5, 2020 7:43 am

    why don't you record everything he says & blackmail him back? better yet, take legal actions. get smart. think of some questions that'll be a problem if he answered in front of ppl. make sure to record everything he says on your phone & contact the authorities for help. if your parents won't help you, i advise asking someone you trust. is there a teacher or counselor of some sort? don't back down & don't listen to him. & please take care of yourself. although we're not there for you in person, you'll always know that you can come back here to talk. we'll stand by you.

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