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Ainos April 24, 2024 4:47 am

Honestly based on the fact that Kaiser came up with this secret weapon 10 days before the game makes me wonder. DID HE NOT PRACTICE THIS WITH NESS like I know 10 days ain’t a lot but in a manga we’re characters be pulling moves out of their ass, ain’t no way he failed that bad. Author decided that the one to fumble was gonna be Kaiser fr

Ainos April 23, 2024 5:07 pm

I was NOT prepared enough for this chapter, even though I knew it was coming. Knowing that he had overwritten his own memories of the event, practically living a lie. And knowing that his mother decided to write the book to ensure that Dokja being blamed as the murderer was never a thought. She would rather have her son be the son of a murderer than be the murderer . And Dokja knowing now the truth of the events, knowing that instead he was the one to do it. Changing his perception of himself practically.

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Any fujoshi's on here? 10-24 02:23

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