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darthlesbian created a topic of Slammer Dogs

He fucks him in chapter 22

darthlesbian created a topic of Fight Club
darthlesbian created a topic of ARTS MANZ

"oh he's trash" yeah but have you considered that friends to lovers beats any trope in my heart and I will root for them regardless? "Mc deserves better" we can't always get what we deserve

darthlesbian created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Istg yaoi fans will read the most disturbing and violent shit and be like, but the moment the mc enjoys sex with more than one man it's gojover, they're suddenly conservative old women clutching their pearls lmao

darthlesbian created a topic of Haunted by Desire

This is truly what I needed after a long day at work I love this story so much

darthlesbian created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I love them, but I'm bored. They keep having the same problems over and over and solving them through sex. These side stories make no sense to me, they just keep adding unnecessary angst.

darthlesbian created a topic of Nerd Project

Spoiler for the lost souls: the author blue balls us for months

darthlesbian created a topic of Projection

If it's actually good I shall find my way back here

darthlesbian created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Tak my brother wtf u doing???

darthlesbian created a topic of 1 to 10
darthlesbian created a topic of Double Trap

on an unrelated note, I was so scared he would put his dick in with the vibrator still inside

darthlesbian created a topic of Double Trap

ngl I'm always a bit sad when the personalities merge

darthlesbian created a topic of Undercover Darling


darthlesbian created a topic of ARTS MANZ

I truly can't hate any of them ngl, not even red hair, like he's obviously a piece of shit, but "I need to suck him off and ENJOY IT so I don't disappoint his mom

darthlesbian created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Naur I can already see the angst a mile away, I do love me some love triangle tho

darthlesbian created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Pls we just wanna see woojin being dicked down