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Stellar February 20, 2021 2:24 pm

Okay, I get why she is upset, totally justified.... But please! He's trying! He knows he's messed up big time, and he just doesn't know where to start to fix it all! Please give him a chance, Empress!

    MintyRain February 20, 2021 2:33 pm


    Minx89 February 20, 2021 2:42 pm
    Agreed MintyRain

    It’s not on his timetable for forgiveness though? The things that were done to her were appalling. And he let it slide. He let his mistress do whatever with no reprimand. So I can’t agree with your statement of giving him a chance just because he’s trying. It’s up to her when she wants to forgive and open up. Not him.

    227meg92 February 20, 2021 2:48 pm
    It’s not on his timetable for forgiveness though? The things that were done to her were appalling. And he let it slide. He let his mistress do whatever with no reprimand. So I can’t agree with your statemen... Minx89

    Exactly!!!! He still has his mistress prancing around the palace!!!!! He has changed NOTHING. How could she even think of forgiveness when every moment that mistress is still breathing is an affront against the empress?? No no no no an apology without change of behavior is just as empty words. I’d drop this like a hot potato if the empress didn’t have enough sense of self worth and would just accept him because he’s “trying”...
    and what exactly is he trying? Talking to her and giving her a cape? How about punishing those who undermine her authority, disrespect her and slight he?
    Sorry I didn’t mean to get so angry but empty apologies trigger me.
    Change your behavior you prick of an emperor or go to hell with that ratchet ass ugly dumb bitch of a mistress of yours. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
    Boy is about to catch these hands ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    227meg92 February 20, 2021 2:52 pm
    Exactly!!!! He still has his mistress prancing around the palace!!!!! He has changed NOTHING. How could she even think of forgiveness when every moment that mistress is still breathing is an affront against the... 227meg92

    Again. Sorry :D I just read chap 1-61 in one go and Really felt for the empress. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, this wasn’t an attack on the Original comment. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ please don’t take it personal.

    Queen~ February 20, 2021 3:08 pm
    Exactly!!!! He still has his mistress prancing around the palace!!!!! He has changed NOTHING. How could she even think of forgiveness when every moment that mistress is still breathing is an affront against the... 227meg92

    Yesyesyes same ideaa... Like people keep on saying that he's trying and whatnot but forget about how that man hurt mc's sister emotionally and physically, killed her family, and was cuddling and watching everything in the clutches of that mistress, i get he has his reasons but still, people need to see it from the mc's perspective and how its not time for her to be so forgiving and how she's deserving all these praise for enduring so much

    Minx89 February 20, 2021 9:59 pm
    Exactly!!!! He still has his mistress prancing around the palace!!!!! He has changed NOTHING. How could she even think of forgiveness when every moment that mistress is still breathing is an affront against the... 227meg92

    Lol after reading the novel, the Empress obviously ends up with the Emperor. But he does actually try harder to earn the Empresses love, favor and forgiveness. I’m more exited to see that part unfold.

    MintyRain February 21, 2021 5:35 am
    It’s not on his timetable for forgiveness though? The things that were done to her were appalling. And he let it slide. He let his mistress do whatever with no reprimand. So I can’t agree with your statemen... Minx89

    you have some point at what you said But still people change that's my opinion i respect you opinion

Stellar July 20, 2020 9:08 pm

Why does everyone hate Mia so much!!!!????

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