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can you two please fuck now, I know you want both each other's body..

serena (byeon) created a topic of Love in Orbit

me again supposed to do my thesis because the defense is next month and I'm here again reading all this because im so tired.

serena (byeon) created a topic of Night Song

what the fuck huhuhu im really so happy for them

serena (byeon) created a topic of Paper Flower

I want to kill the CP, you deserve death

serena (byeon) created a topic of Hachi no Kubiwa
serena (byeon) created a topic of Cry Me a River

parang tender juicy hotdog yung oten pota. ang red tapos ang kinis ang shiny.

serena (byeon) created a topic of Hosik's story

when I'm in gaslighting competition and my opponent is sungyeon sunbae

serena (byeon) created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I hope no heavy drama and angst in season 2, I'm going to die if they break up or something huhuhu

serena (byeon) created a topic of Jinx

tangina ang OA, kung barkada ko to si jekjek una to magsusuka.

I don't know but shigaraki is so beautiful in that one panel hahaha but I want him dead and be rotten and have a special place in hell

serena (byeon) created a topic of Pear Blosom Love

Why do I feel so frustrated HUHUHU I don't want the black hair to be the endgame huhu.

serena (byeon) created a topic of Bye Bye

he's pregnant again, im so happy for them haha so cute

serena (byeon) created a topic of Paper Flower

im nearly satisfied and smile throughout the conversation between the sister and CP and the flower that cp pick but the way my smile drop like wtf im too scared to read the next update. you CP you jerk

serena (byeon) created a topic of Jinx

potangina naman ni jaekyung, Sakin ka nalang Dan hindi kita gaganyanin.

serena (byeon) created a topic of My Darling Liar Boy

I want to skin the twins alive