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Heun_Naaaa December 26, 2023 3:50 pm

I honestly think there aren't any side couples here to begin with. Maybe it's because i started reading it a little late with 200+ chapters in but the cover's always been the four of them (pls do correct me if otherwise tho! I'd love to see different covers too!).

I mean i get what some are saying about wanting jian xi to have the same development as tianshan but maybe it's also because jian xi had 200+ chapters in the starting run with just them two that tianshan is getting a little more development rn(??) Anyways i do think the author/artist tries their best to always include the four of them in every chapter!! I get that some of you started the manhua because of jian xi but let's still be appreciative of what every chapter brings! <33

    Pas_ December 26, 2023 4:01 pm

    This definitely brings some perspective

Heun_Naaaa November 25, 2023 4:09 pm

Im confused with fl's personality she goes from delicate to reserved to bashful innocent like lady to a badass swordsmaster all of a sudden? Maybe it's just the translations but the plot is all over and i don't really get what's up besides her husband being scum, the emperor hates archduke, the archduke is just playin around (for now) and interested with fl and maxion is the definition of cute

    CathyBLover November 27, 2023 7:52 am

    Lololol the last sentence is so true! XD

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